USS Clueless - Calling all CSS gurus

Stardate 20030830.2257

(Captain's log): About a week ago I started messing around with trying to use DHTML for some stuff not related to this web site, and ended up buying a couple of manuals about it which I've been working through. And I've run up against a problem I can't figure out how to solve, even though it doesn't seem as if it should be all that complicated.

But to show what I'm doing, why I want to do it, what kinds of requirements are involved, and what I've tried and why it didn't work, I created a separate file which uses JavaScript and animated GIF files.

Here's the problem: Create an image on the screen by layering graphics files together, and center the resulting image using CSS.

Here's what I tried and how it doesn't work.

Update: And first across the finish line was Scott, who pointed out that the "left" parameter can be expressed in percent, and that all of those parameters can be negative. I knew about the negative parameters, but I didn't know that I could create an object whose left offset was 50%.

Yeah, that'll do it; it will work just fine. Thanks, dude!

include   +force_include   -force_exclude


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