USS Clueless - SCOTUS sodomy ruling

Stardate 20030626.1223

(On Screen): The Supreme Court has overturned a Texas law on sodomy. I fully agree with this decision. I think that what consenting adults do in private is nobody's business but their own.

But this case has always struck me as an odd one. It was always acknowledged that the Texas law in question was rarely enforced. The original way in which the arrest took place always seemed a bit strange, too:

The case began when a neighbor with a grudge faked a distress call to police, telling them that a man was "going crazy" in Lawrence's apartment. Police went to the apartment, pushed open the door and found the two men having anal sex.

At which point they were arrested under the sodomy law. So why was it that a neighbor got so outraged and was willing to do this? Why was it that the cops reacted as they did?

Today's AP report includes a picture of the two men who were arrested:

As soon as I saw it, I had an "Oh!" moment.

The neighbor was outraged, and the officers acted like idiots, because it was interracial homosexual sex. Yeesh.

Update: Kevin Drum comments. (I guess we don't disagree about everything.)

Update: Iain Jackson has an extended discussion of this ruling.

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