USS Clueless - Bootstrapping traffic

Stardate 20030426.1247

(Captain's log): It's time again to change the contents of my side bar, with several sites coming off and a new batch going up. Here's a curtain-call:

Rat's Nest
Merde in France
Vinod's Blog
Mean Mr. Mustard
One Hand Clapping
Rachel Lucas
Eject! Eject! Eject!
The Buggy Professor

I last changed it in December, and the same comment goes now as did then: there's nothing wrong with these sites. They're good sites. But what I hope is that they've had enough time to build up steady readerships of their own, a base from which they can continue to grow. Now I'd like to give a new group the same opportunity.

Update: I guess I have to make clear that I'm picking sites to include which don't appear to be very well known, and which are actually producing original material consistently on an ongoing basis (i.e. "thinkers", not "linkers"). I've been monitoring all the new sites for a while to make sure they weren't one-hit wonders. And just in passing, none of them asked me for links. Nor did any on the last list, above, or the previous list here.

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