USS Clueless - American realism

Stardate 20030404.1644

(On Screen): Opinion polls continue to demonstrate the total failure of fear-mongers to create what we in the computer industry have come to refer to as FUD – Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.

Americans seem to have a very realistic opinion of the situation in Iraq, according to this poll, and there is extremely strong consensus. More than 90% think the war is going well. 80% think that there will be "a hard and bloody battle to control Baghdad."

Three quarters approve the decision to invade.

And it's reported that 69% now say the war is justified even if no evidence turns up of Iraqi WMDs. And 63% do not think our military leaders underestimated the difficulty of the war.

All of which means that the anti-war message being delivered from Europe and from certain publications here in the US has bounced. These poll results are the worst possible news for those who hoped that a bloody failure in this war, or the portrayal of the result as being a bloody failure, would break the spirit of Americans and cause a loss of will and resolve. Because what this poll shows is an increase in support, will and resolve.

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Captured by MemoWeb from on 9/16/2004