USS Clueless - Chutzpah

Stardate 20030317.0014

(On Screen): David wrote to me, and in the course of several rather wry comments about the French, he asked rhetorically, "How do you say 'chutzpah' en Francais?"

To which I replied: There's no such word; because fish have no word for water.

I spoke more truly than I knew. Chirac has now topped himself:

France called for an emergency U.N. ministerial meeting Tuesday to set a timetable for Iraq's peaceful disarmament, ignoring a Monday deadline set by the United States and three allies for the United Nations to authorize war against Baghdad.

With any luck, the bombs will already be falling when France's ministerial meeting begins. And by the time they've agreed on a time table, we'll already have won.

As we all know, the Tomahawk cruise missile is an unreliable weapon, prone to totally miss military targets and instead land on hospitals and schools and orphanages. I don't suppose we could manage to have one of the ones we launch against Iraq take a left-turn and cross the Med and strike the Presidential Palace in Paris, could we? What, you say it's out of range? Bummer.

Update: Pej comments.

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