USS Clueless - English majors

Stardate 20030214.0639

(On Screen): Is there some reason why it is that spelling mistakes are so common on anti-war protest signs? I thought all the antiwar protesters were liberal arts majors; ain't they 'sposed ta be the folks what study English and culchah and things like that, while us grubby engineers specialize in math?

In this case, the signs (and the protest) are in Australia. Makes me wonder if they've got a secret project down there to implement a spelling reform so that it will again be phonetic. (Eh, mite?) Of course, Australian is damned near a foreign language anyway.

By the way, the "Not" symbol has its slash running from the upper left to the lower right.

Update: Gregg makes a good point: Spelling and grammar are tools of oppression used by the white patriarchy. Ishouldaknown...

But I do not believe what several people tried to contend: that the "Not" symbol goes the other way south of the equator.

Update: No, I do not believe he's a Beach Boys fan. (Sheesh...)

Update: Tom of Idealog comments.

Update 20030216: Anthony says that this is actually a reference to a rock band. Sheesh.

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