USS Clueless - Height of asurdity

Stardate 20030120.0803

(On Screen): I believe we've reached the height of absurdity. After extended talks with Blix, Iraq is going to cooperate.

It's going to create its own team of inspectors to help look for WMDs.

Say what? What Iraq didn't do was to come clean and admit that it had lied when it said it didn't have any any longer. What it seems to have done was to make some pro forma concessions which will amount to nothing, so as to give Blix at least some ammunition for a request for a delay. But the idea of Iraqi inspectors actively searching for WMDs that the Iraqi government itself has hidden is ludicrous.

And what's scary is that a lot of people are going to take this seriously and talk about it as a genuine step of great importance.

Update: A reader points out that the choice of Libya as head of the UN Human Rights Commission must approach this in the absurdity scale, and he has a point.

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