USS Clueless - Anti-Madden

Stardate 20030126.1640

(Captain's log): I love my ReplayTV's "skip the ads" mode; it works extremely well and makes television viewing much more pleasant. Of course, the problem with sports is that who wants to record it and watch it later?

Which is why I wish my TV had a real-time auto-clip mode, where it would just black out the screen or the audio for some things.

In particular, I wish I could never again have to watch a beer ad where a clutzy guy makes an ass of himself in front of a gorgeous babe. Why, exactly, is it that some advertising exec thinks I want to watch that? It doesn't make me want to buy their product even if I drank anymore, which I don't; all it does is make me excruciatingly uncomfortable by reminding me of all the times when I have done the same thing.

Maybe the message is "drink to forget".

And if I could have an "auto-silence-during-John-Madden" processor for my TV's audio, I'd be in heaven. That man's commentary affects me like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Update: Would you shut up, Madden! Jeeze.

Update: That last interception for touchdown really was adding insult to injury. Talk about rubbing it in.

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