USS Clueless - 1950's movie

Stardate 20021117.1252

(On Screen): This sounds like a teaser from a bad 1950's horror movie:

The brains of three leading terrorists who committed suicide in a German jail in 1977 have vanished from the lab where they were taken for autopsy, a magazine reported Sunday.

Richard Meyermann, a pathologist heading the University of Tuebingen lab that autopsied RAF terrorists Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe in 1977, said their brains were no longer there and may have been destroyed to free up storage space, Der Spiegel said in its latest edition. The report said there was no record of what happened to the brains.

Quick cut to a research lab in Argentina, where a lot of people with evil grins and German accents cackle wildly around an experimental apparatus with three brains in jars with lots of wires and tubes connected, while their leader converses with three mechanical voices...

Oh, wait a minute; it's already been done. Never mind.

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