USS Clueless - McKinney strikes again

Stardate 20020412.0948

(On Screen): Last October, Prince Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia gave a check for $10 million to then-Mayor Giuliani to aid the victims of the WTC attack. He also used the opportunity to denounce Israel. Giuliani gave the check back. Shortly thereafter, Alwaleed hurriedly packed up his household and returned to Saudi Arabia.

Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney then stepped forward and wrote a letter to Alwaleed apologizing for Giuliani's behavior. She sucked up to him, and ended by saying, "I could sure use that money to help American blacks, if you'd like to send that check to me." She was roundly condemned by the American public and press, and so far as I know did not get a check from Alwaleed. It was one of the more disgraceful performances by an elected American official in recent memory.

Now Congresswoman McKinney has topped that performance. She has accused the Bush administration of knowing that the attack in September was coming, and of letting it happen. Why would they do such a dastardly thing? So as to start a war, so as to benefit military contractors who had given contributions to the Bush campaign.

Of course! Why didn't I think of that?

Last fall, I wrote about my admiration for the parliamentary system. I'm coming to realize that the American system has advantages I didn't previously appreciate. In a Parliamentary system, people on the lunatic fringe can have disproportionate political influence due to their ability to become king-makers in coalition governments. In the American system, on the other hand, lunatics like McKinney don't matter and can be safely ignored. And I'm glad. Her kind of help we don't need right now.

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