USS Clueless - Nightmares

Stardate 20020207.1333

(On Screen): This is the kind of story that can give you the willies. A police officer was speaking to a 4th grade class and showed them her gun. It's an automatic, and she loaded it, and then dropped it. Somehow it went off and grazed one of the kids on the cheek. The kid will be OK; but two inches difference and that kid would be dead.

One has to wonder why this officer didn't have the safety on, not to mention the wisdom of messing with her weapon in such a circumstance. It's damned lucky nothing worse happened. But this is the kind of thing that gives people nightmares for the rest of their lives. Her own child was one of those in the class.

Update: Bryan writes:

I couldn't find a definitive source on the web, but I did finally find a picture from Philadelphia's police academy. Looks like they are shooting Glock 17s. Glocks have no external safety. If you pull the trigger it goes bang. They do, however, have three internal which prevent them from firing unless the trigger is pulled.

When Glock started selling to police departments one of their sales men's favorite tricks was to take a loaded, chambered pistol, grab it by the muzzle and use it like a hammer to prove that the weapon would not fire from being dropped.

If it was indeed a Glock this police officer carried, either she had a seriously damaged weapon or (much more likely) she pulled the trigger when she fumbled for her weapon.

My reaction to that is that any police department would have to be insane to choose a weapon which had no safety.

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