How about a couple of high-profile big-buck malpractice suits, eh? If PriceWaterhouseCoopers gets nailed for $200 million next time some company "restates earnings", I think they might scrutinize the books a bit more carefully from now on, and actually earn their fee. (discuss)
Free expression must protect unpopular, even despicable, expression or it is a mirage. If you are only free to say or write things which your neighbors — or people half-way around the world — approve of, then you are not free at all. The web has no borders, and we are faced with two and only two choices: either all content on the web will be governed by the most restrictive rules anywhere, or by the least restrictive rules anywhere. I unhesitatingly express my preference for the latter. The limited damage done by permitting one particularly abhorrent example of expression is far less than the broader damage which would be done by permitting anyone, anywhere, to suppress anything anyone else has written. Fortunately, I believe that the Yahoo case will settle this unequivocally, when (I believe) a US Federal Court will rule that a French Court has no jurisdiction to issue court orders applicable within the US. (discuss)
The fervor with which the medical research community embraces the idea of a vaccine for AIDS strikes me as being akin to the way that some people cling to religious icons. I have this mental image of scientists hauling their equivalent of the local statue of the Virgin out to try to halt an oncoming lava flow from the local volcano, with about the same chance of success. There was another comment in this article, near the end, which struck me in an odd way: (Dr. Alan Stone) said that in some parts of Africa, Asia and the Indian sub-continent it was very difficult to get the men to use condoms. This made me think something curious. I want to make clear that I express no moral judgement in the following observation. I am not trying to claim that "they'll deserve it", or anything of the kind. Natural selection doesn't only work on individuals. When a species adopts a pack or group lifestyle, so that closely-related individuals living together substantially enhance the survival of all members, then there comes into being a meta-level of sel |