USS Clueless Stardate 20011208.2044

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Stardate 20011208.2044 (On Screen via long range sensors): It's official: the war has been won. We know because The Guardian has actually said it was wrong about the war. Well, sort of. It's a begruding, indirect, veiled statement. It says that those people who doubted the war were wrong and that they were fearful instead of wise. (No sign of we in there.) And it does its best to point out as many bad things about the current state of affairs as it possibly can. And never let it be said that The Guardian cannot turn anything into a criticism of someone else: it ends by making it clear that the big loser in all this is Tony Blair. I suppose that this was the best we could have expected; an outright confession that "we goofed" was probably not part of the universe of discourse. Still, it's something. (discuss)

Now we have to work on Amnesty International.

Captured by MemoWeb from on 9/16/2004