Stardate 20011206.0944 (On Screen): Well, Andrew Sullivan created the "Sontag Award" (which was co-opted by
the Weekly Standard). Seems to me that there's plenty of material worthy of note, though, and Aaron sends in this prime example of leftist vision dated October 27, published in the NYT (where else?):
Since the administration tightly metes out the news from Afghanistan, we can only hope that the war there is being executed more effectively than the war here — even as Mr. Rumsfeld and his generals now tell us that the Taliban, once expected to implode in days, are proving Viet- Cong-like in their intractability. The Wall Street Journal also reported this week that "instead of a thankful Afghan population, popular support for the Taliban appears to be solidifying and anger with the U.S. growing."
Just as a matter of historical record, two weeks later the Taliban did "implode" rather spectacularly. (Searching for evidence of "anger with the U.S." is left as an exercise to the reader, not to mention "popular support for the Taliban".) For this amazing achievement, USS Clueless bestows to Frank Rich the first
Weisberg award. (discuss)