Well, those who will not learn from the past are bound to repeat it, and Entertainment Weekly is doing exactly that. They've got an unrestricted poll for "Entertainer of the year" and the culture jammers are at it again. Alas, Hank died and cannot be used for a protest vote, but there seem to be plenty of other choices. Fark and MetaFilter, among others, are pushing Wil Wheaton (which is also the officially-approved USS Clueless vote); but someone else is making a strong push for "www.goatse.cx" and "Goatse Man". If you haven't been there, you should know that it is a single page site which contains a bit of prose and a thoroughly rude picture which I won't describe. It's been a favorite of culture jammers for a long time, who try to con people into visiting it by putting links to it into legitimate postings to discussion systems with non-sequiter link text, viz. "How about them New York Yankees, eh?" This is a particular favorite among Slashdot trolls. (Case in point.) I haven't looked, but I bet that there's a slashdot thread pushing goatse.cx as a vote -- perhaps even involuntarily. (Stranger things have happened on Slashdot.) In the meantime, as I look just now, it looks as if most of the top vote-getters are protest votes. (discuss) Who the heck is pushing Steve Gibson? Update: I might have known that the Something Awful crowd would get involved; they've pushed Lowtax into the lead. |