USS Clueless Stardate 20011121.0540

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Stardate 20011121.0540 (On Screen): US Ambassador to India Robert Blackwill has met with the government there and has now announced that the US will work with India to root out terrorism in that nation. Code words, code words -- what they're talking about is Muslim extremists crossing from Pakistan into Kashmir. The problem is that the close cooperation between the US and Pakistan with respect to Afghanistan is worrying the government of India. Traditionally, the US has kept an even hand with regards to the struggle between India and Pakistan, and there was likely some nervousness in India about the idea that the US might lean towards Pakistan in the future. While I think that this announcement is genuine and I think that the US will indeed work with India on the Kashmir terrorism problem, the real purpose of this is to reassure the government of India that the US still intends to maintain an even hand. (discuss)

Captured by MemoWeb from on 9/16/2004