USS Clueless Stardate 20011114.1756

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Stardate 20011114.1756 (On Screen):

"While we have offered our sincere condolences to the American people and the families of the victims of these events," Sabri said, "Iraq has expressed its hope that the United States will deal with these events in a spirit of wisdom and responsibility by undertaking a comprehensive review of its policies."

He pointed to the U.N. sanctions imposed after Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. The sanctions, chiefly designed to prevent Iraq from rebuilding weapons of mass-destruction, have been criticized as hurting Iraqi civilians while failing to shake Saddam Hussein's autocratic regime.

Rest assured that we will be reconsidering our policy of containment toward Iraq. We will definitely be reevaluating our policy, but I can also assure Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri that he's not going to like the new policy even as much as he does the current one. We have a little list, and Saddam Hussein's name is second on it right below Osama bin Laden. What the 9/11 attack proved to Americans is that half-solving a problem is not sufficient. There are some running wounds in the world now, and they're going to get fixed this time, and fixed permanently. (discuss)

Captured by MemoWeb from on 9/16/2004