Stardate 20011017.1717 (On Screen): The allies are
finally gathering around, with actions and not words. A few days ago
Australia committed to send ships and men to the Arabian Sea to join our forces there, and today Canada did the same. By far the most welcome and useful commitment in each case is their special forces units; the ships are more of a political gesture than a practical one (except for the fact that until they're committed, the Canadian special forces will probably bunk on the Canadian ships). I can't say I'm really surprised at Canada's response here; there's no closer alliance on earth than that between Canada and the United States, and no two nations whose economies are more closely intertwined. We share the longest unguarded border on the planet. Any delays were more likely due to preparations than to reticence. I'm somewhat more susprised (and pleased) by Australia's response. But all of this makes the inaction by the continental European NATO powers all the more obvious.
(discussion in progress)Update 20011018: Even the Japanese are going to provide what help they can without violating their constitution.