USS Clueless Stardate 20011012.1738

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Stardate 20011012.1738 (On Screen and On Sensors): Do pacifists have young children? Perhaps eventually, but I bet not many have. I look at the news reports of the people carrying "Give Peace a Chance" signs, and I look at the interviews, and I've come to the conclusion that they're nearly all either 18-24-something college students (or recent graduates) or they're 40-55 year old Viet Nam Era retreads. And most of the young ones look as if they're unmarried or only recently married. I bet there's not a baby among them -- because having a child changes your perspective on life. It changes what's important.

Both of these, written independently and probably without knowing of the other, write the same thing: about how they love their kids and about how they'd feel if they were to die in a biowarfare attack -- and about how they'd be quite willing to do anything, anything at all, to prevent that. If we're attacked big-time with bio-weapons, we are going to start using nukes. (discussion in progress)

How's this for a "modest proposal": Pass a law that if any bio-attack on the US results in 1000 or more confirmed cases, that both Mecca and Medina would be multiply-nuked? Think that would deter Muslim extremists?

Captured by MemoWeb from on 9/16/2004