USS Clueless Stardate 20011009.0717

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Stardate 20011009.0717 (On Screen): American self-revulsion is alive and well on the web. It sometimes can seem as if the characterizations of the extreme left approach caricature -- and then I encounter a page like "Ethel the Blog". Just perusing the front page of that site, I find a condemnation of the air-drop of food on Afghanistan (which also claims that the Taliban should not be attacked because it "has not been directly linked to the Sep. 11 attacks"), a condemnation of the Afghan Northern Alliance, a condemnation of a big oil company, a condemnation of Saudi Arabia, a couple of condemnations of Pakistan, and a condemnation of the US for "bombing the hell out of the cities" (which we haven't actually done). There are numerous other condemnations, nearly all of which come down to trying to prove that the United States is scum. Who is this guy? (discussion in progress)

Captured by MemoWeb from on 9/16/2004