Stardate 20011006.0756 (Crew, this is the Captain): Until now, my only information about referers was from the canned Cobalt administration frame, which is convenient and brief, but doesn't really have as much detail as I would have liked. Yesterday I finally got motivated and visited the Apache web site and figured out how to change Apache's settings so it would create a complete referer log for me. That required a reboot last night, and so far the results have been very amusing. Routinely it's been the case for the last several weeks that my most common referer was Google, and I had been wondering if that was actually Google's crawler. Nope; they're real search hits, and the search strings are, well,
strange. One of my essays is called "Beautiful Women" and it is hit consistently. Since I put per-essay hit counters at the end of July, it's been hit more than 2000 times, an average of more than 30 per day. (That's more than some people's web logs.) It appears now that nearly all those hits are from search engines. (One advantage of being verbose is that there is a lot of text in each page and this increases the chance of getting hit by complex searches, apparently.) So, I give you some examples of search hits to that essay:
There were some others which were odd which hit other things:
IBM+Via+Voice+Crack (hit the main page)
Survivor+3+Africa%2bcontestant+profile (found a place where I denounced that TV show)
blue+large+babes+free+iranian (found one of my archives; I think they were looking for free porn)
how+to+make+sky+rockets (found my essay on "Junkyard Wars")
picture+of+bush+with+turban+and+beard (Found the main page)
And there were even a few which may have found what they were looking for:
tony+blair+%22Give+up+Bin+Laden+or+give+up+power (found my main page)
good+side+of+terrorism (found my essay on terrorism)
why+did+osama+bin+ladin++destroy+the+world+trade+center (found my main page)
And those are all just in the last 12 hours. Folks, if you want to get a lot of hits, write at length and register with Google. (And be sure to use the phrase "Pictures of Beautiful Women".) You'll get all sorts of spurious attention.
(discussion in progress)