USS Clueless Stardate 20010928.0702

  USS Clueless

             Voyages of a restless mind

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Stardate 20010928.0702 (On Screen): James Lileks advises on how to annoy a dentist. It strikes me as counterproductive to try to annoy someone who has a drill in his hand and is capable of causing you intense pain should he be so inclined. Generally I try to be polite and accomodating to people like that.

You have to learn the difference between people with titles and people with power. You do not hassle the clerk at the airline check-in, because if you do your bags will get sent to Anchorage while you're going to Bermuda. If you hassle a clerk at a hotel, you'll get the room which looks out over the freeway instead of the one that looks out over the swimming pool. You can hassle your boss but you do not hassle the group secretary. She doesn't have a title but she can make your life miserable. And I can't see any point in hassling dentists when I'm laying in their chair. (discussion in progress)

Captured by MemoWeb from on 9/16/2004