USS Clueless Stardate 20010914.2305

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Stardate 20010914.2305 (On Screen): Just what we don't need right now: Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have decided that the real culprits in Tuesday's bombings were (wait for it) civil rights organizations, feminists, homosexuals and abortion rights advocates, not to mention the ACLU. (And they didn't mention "secular humanists", but clearly they were thinking it, so as an atheist I proudly take my place with the other villains.) The acts of we infidels have turned God against the US, so He decided to stop protecting His chosen people (Americans) from the other infidels and thus we got bombed as a punishment and a warning. If only we'd prayed harder, it would never have happened. Marvelous.

Actually, I welcome this. Falwell and Robertson are now thoroughly discredited; any remaining political influence they might have had is now in the toilet. No important politician will be returning their calls any longer. The influence of the Religious Right collectively just took a hit below the waterline. Thank goodness! (I don't Thank God because of course there isn't one.) And decent Christians (yes, Virginia...) all over the US are rolling their eyes in sheer frustration. (discussion in progress)

Update: Falwell has apologized. Fat lot of good that's going to do him.

Captured by MemoWeb from on 9/16/2004