Stardate 20010913.1133 (On Screen via long range sensors): Helen Highwater writes:
When America's actions in international affairs are out in the open, instead of stamped "Top Secret," when the American people and the people of the world are allowed to know what the U.S. government is up to while it's happening instead of years and years later, perhaps the U.S. government won't be quite so casual about its actions all around the globe. When America can be proud of its foreign policy, instead of ashamed to the point of keeping it classified, our fear of terrorist attacks will evaporate.
I'm sorry, but that's idealistic horseshit. Trying to run a foreign policy out in the open is like trying to play poker with your hand exposed. In a sense she's right: our fear of terrorist attacks would evaporate because we'd have a lot bigger and more important things to be afraid of if we ever tried to do something so unbelieveably stupid.
The rest of her essay (on the left column, mirrored here) is equally misguided; it can be summarized in three words: "We deserved it." I recommend that she go in person to New York and tell that to
the wives of the dead firemen there. I'm sure they'll be much comforted by the knowledge. (discuss)