Stardate 20010727.1527 (On Screen): Thousands of records of data about students in the state of Georgia were recently found online, and also were cross-referenced by the Google search engine. This included names, addresses, drivers license numbers and other personal information. Once informed of it the people running Google worked to remove the data, but it hasn't yet been determined how the information actually leaked.
Starting about a week ago, someone started posting data records on a chatroom which included the names, addresses, social security numbers, driver's license numbers and other things as well. Hundreds of records were revealed and it's assumed that thousands more are available. The best evidence seems to be that the data was stolen from cell phone companies or their sales agents, though that hasn't been determined for certain yet.
"Top execs from IBM, General Motors, and Proctor & Gamble put pressure on the US Congress not to draw up legislation aimed at protecting customers' privacy while shopping online. The companies argue they can look after people's privacy themselves." In a pig's eye. (discuss)