Stardate 20010726.0402 (On Screen): Every year in the Alps people vanish, and every year a few dead bodies are found. Sometimes they are people who vanished years ago; the Alps are a dangerous place and the snow is deadly. But it was particularly stunning a few years ago when a body was found which turns out to have been more than 5,000 years old. Of course, one of the puzzles was how he had died, and it was long assumed that he had simply gotten lost in the snow and died of hypothermia, later being buried and frozen.
Now it turns out to be much more sinister: he was murdered. An arrow point has been found in his body. It was discovered with a CAT-scan, apparently having been missed in earlier simple X-rays. What's amazing to me is that having discovered it and by looking at the evidence of the body, they were able to reproduce his last few hours and determine how he died. Forensics truly has become a science. (discuss)