USS Clueless - Preparations VII

Stardate 20030227.2303

(Captain's log): B-2 bombers have been ordered to deploy to the mid-East region, most likely to Diego Garcia.

It's rumored that we have a new and even larger thermobaric weapon in inventory ready to be used. The largest one currently acknowledged is the BLU-82, which is 15,000 pounds. The new one is reported to be 21,000 pounds, and like the BLU-82 would be delivered by a cargo jet.

Jordan, a "key ally", has kindly permitted us to put several hundred of our troops on their soil to run a Patriot battery to defend them against any Iraqi missile attack. They also very kindly refused to let us use their airspace. (That's going to make it hard for USS Harry S Truman's jets to participate in the war from the eastern Mediterranean.)

Patriot Missiles and AWACS have arrived to defend Turkey. Turkey, another "key ally", is very kindly dragging its feet on giving permission for the 4th Infantry Division to land and deploy, not to mention other troops of ours stuck in intermediate airbases in Bulgaria and Crete, because they missed their connecting flights to Turkish destinations. (As Bill Quick says, "Less carrot. More stick.")

Italy, a real ally, has given us formal permission to use their bases and their airspace.

There are over 200,000 troops now in the region. 50,000 more are expected to arrive in the next two weeks.

Of course, if Russia vetoes the latest proposed UNSC resolution, or if France does, all 250,000 of them will pick up and go home.

Update 20030228: Clay points out that I misinterpreted that article about Jordan. They have not closed their airspace, they've just refused to let us use their airbases. That's fine; USS Truman doesn't need their airbases.

Update: Sheesh. No, of course we don't leave if there's a veto.

Update: Bill sends this link: USNS Comfort will soon be fully staffed. (Both Comfort and USNS Mercy are in the region.)

Update: Valentine points out that according to Global Strategy the new weapon is not thermobaric. It is rather an improved bunker-buster.
Zach Barbera says that the Russians have evacuated non-essential embassy personnel from Baghdad.

Update: On the other hand, Michael points out that according to Strategy Page there's also a bomb that large which really is thermobaric. I think they're both real.

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