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The Erbosoft Project Code of Conduct

(Revised December 2019)

This document may be redistributed freely in its unmodified form by anyone. The only part which may be freely modified is the designation of the Owner in the following sentence, which should be changed to reflect the ownership of the project this Code of Conduct is being applied to.

For the purposes of this project, the Owner is Amy G. Bowersox/Erbosoft Metaverse Design Solutions.

  1. The Owner owns this project. Not you. The Owner's decisions about any aspect of the project are final.
  2. This Code of Conduct contains harsh language. Tough shit. Suck it up, Buttercup.
  3. Anyone who is an asshole is banned from this project. Permanently.
  4. This project has certain objectives. Anything outside of those objectives is irrelevant, unless and until the Owner changes the objectives. Not you. In particular, if youre a Social Justice Warrior trying to join this project to spread your bullshit, you are automatically declared an asshole. And youre gone.
  5. The Owner reserves the right to change this Code of Conduct as they see fit. If, however, you try to force the Owner to change it in ways that are offensive to them, or that try to advance “social justice” ideals in any way, shape, or form, youre an asshole. And youre gone.
  6. In particular, this project explicitly rejects the “Open Code of Conduct” by the TODO Group, the “Contributor Code of Merit” by Coraline Ada Ehmke, the “Citizen Code of Conduct” by Stumptown Syndicate, and any similar “codes of conduct” that may be promulgated. Anyone complaining about this is an asshole, because who the fuck are you to tell the Owner how they should run their goddamn project? And youre gone.
  7. The one and only criterion that will be used to determine whether a contribution to this project will be accepted is the quality of the contribution and how well it solves the problem it was contributed to solve. Period. (“Contribution” may include code, documentation, testing, or fundraising.)
  8. The one and only criterion that will be used to judge your worth in relation to this project is the quality of your contributions (as defined above) to this project. Period.
  9. The Owner hereby does not give one milli-micro-nano-fraction of a fuck what race you are, what gender you are or identify as, who you want to sleep with, how old you are, what your height or weight is, what if anything may be different about your body or brain, what language you speak, what country youre from, what God you pray to, where you work, how much money you have, et fucking cetera. Is your contribution any good? Thats all that matters.
  10. If your contribution is not accepted, and you start whining about how its “actually” because youre of some-or-other gender/race/religion/nationality/whatthefuckever, you are attempting to have the deck stacked in your favor because youre “special.” That makes you an asshole. And youre gone.
  11. Only those people who have contributed a sufficient quantity of good work to the project, as determined in the Owner's sole discretion, will be allowed to assume any board position, administrative position, or management-related role. And, any position that the Owner gives, they can also take away, for any reason. Anyone who complains about this is an asshole. And theyre gone.
  12. You will do your own work. If you try to pass off the work of others as your own, youre a fucking plagiarist, and also an asshole. And youre gone.
  13. If theres a discussion that cannot be resolved within the scope of the project, take that shit somewhere else. The Owner does not want your bullshit here. If you continue to spread your bullshit here, youre an asshole. And youre gone.
  14. As noted above, the Owner's decisions about any aspect of the project are final. Anyone pissing the Owner off by getting all up in their face about said decisions is an asshole. And theyre gone.
  15. Any advisory boards, committees, etc., having to do with this project will answer to the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to disband any such whenever the hell they feel like it. As always, anyone complaining about this is an asshole. And theyre gone.
  16. Anyone who does not approve of the objectives, direction, or attitude of this project is free to get the fuck out at any time. Bye Felicia!
