USS Clueless - Fragging

Stardate 20030323.0930

(On Screen): Antiwar protesters have come up with a lot of signs I find offensive, but this one is the worst, by a very long margin (via LGF):

It's not like officers matter, is it? They're not really people; no one will cry when they're killed. Better off dead. Just vermin for the shooting.

Well, they got what they asked for, yesterday. Not exactly; it was grenades and not bullets, but one of our soldiers (identified in early reports as a Black Muslim) is being held in an attack on an HQ unit of the 101st in which one man was killed and several others wounded, three of them severely.

Once his identity is released, and photographs of him are available, will these protesters start carrying his picture and citing him as an example to all the rest of our soldiers? Will he join Mumia as one of the darlings of the left? Just a victim of the patriarchy, who was forced by his conscience to fight back; a real patriot, when all is said and done; obviously he shouldn't be tried for murder...


No one is "vermin for the shooting". Not even the enemy. (Well, I'll make an exception for Saddam and both of his sons, and a few of the worst monsters working for the regime.) When I read stories like this one:

The alert crackled over the radio at midmorning Sunday: An armored column of more than 30 Iraqi vehicles was coming, and a company of the 3rd Infantry Division was ordered forward to dig in behind irrigation levees.

Peering into the distance, the soldiers could barely make out the Iraqi vehicles. They seemed little more than blips on the horizon.

Then the U.S. Air Force arrived. Slow-flying A-10 Thunderbolt attack planes swooped down and began picking off the Iraqi vehicles one by one. Dots erupted in flashes of light, followed moments later by the muffled sound of explosions.

High-flying B-52s came next, dropping bombs on Iraqi infantry that had been moving behind the armored vehicles.

I feel no joy in this. It makes me feel sick. I believe it's right; I think it's necessary. I do not condemn the men who did it. But it is not a thing to cheer for; it is not a thing to celebrate.

In the mean time, is it really the case, as Brian Tiemann suggests, that those making these signs and showing up for these protests are in fact not really thinking at all?

Don't they understand what their own sign really means?

Update: Mitch Sommers says that they know exactly what it means.

As far as America goes, they have the usual idiocies about imperialism, but with this charming twist. To quote one of their number, their goal is "to build a powerful American Servicemen's Union that will turn the guns against their fascist officers.... If the American Servicemen's Union cuts the windpipe of U.S. imperialism inside the army while at the same time it is mutilated in all parts of the world, U.S. imperialism will surely perish forever."

That's really scary. It's also ugly, and vile.

Update: The US soldier being accused in the murders is Sgt. Asan Akbar. The dead man is Captain Christopher Scott Seifert.

Update: This has gone beyond despicable. LGF points out that some posters on Indymedia are in fact cheering because of this fragging incident.

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