Eric J. Bowersox 66b7fea53b * landed support for reading topics and posting followup messages to a topic -
the basis of the conferencing engine is now firmly in place
* tweaks to the HTML Checker to make it better at breaking lines without
  leaving stranded punctuation at the beginning or end of a line
* also modified dictionary to better handle possessives and hyphenates
* as always, miscellaneous tweaks and bugfizes as I spot them
2001-02-07 21:12:38 +00:00

189 lines
8.7 KiB

The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
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You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
language governing rights and limitations under the License.
The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
Copyright (C) 2001 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved.
<%@ page import = "java.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.util.StringUtil" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.venice.core.*" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.venice.servlets.Variables" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.venice.servlets.format.*" %>
TopicListing data = TopicListing.retrieve(request);
RenderData rdat = RenderConfig.createRenderData(application,request,response);
String self = "confdisp?" + data.getLocator();
String tmp;
<% if (rdat.useHTMLComments()) { %><!-- Topic list for conf #<%= data.getConfID() %> --><% } %>
<% rdat.writeContentHeader(out,data.getConfName() + " Topics",null); %>
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath("confops?sig=" + String.valueOf(data.getSIGID())) %>"><IMG
SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_conference_list.gif") %>" ALT="Conference List" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24
<% if (data.canCreateTopic()) { %>
<% tmp = rdat.getEncodedServletPath("confops?" + data.getLocator() + "&cmd=T"); %>
<A HREF="<%= tmp %>"><IMG SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_add_topic.gif") %>" ALT="Add Topic"
WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<% } // end if %>
<% if (data.canDoReadNew()) { %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath("confdisp?" + data.getNextLocator()) %>"><IMG
SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_read_new.gif") %>" ALT="Read New" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24
<% } // end if %>
<A HREF="TODO"><IMG SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_manage.gif") %>"
ALT="Manage" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<% if (data.canAddToHotlist()) { %>
<A HREF="TODO"><IMG SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_add_to_hotlist.gif") %>"
ALT="Add to HotList" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<% } // end if %>
<% if (data.anyTopics()) { %>
<TD ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="1%"><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<% tmp = self + "&sort="
+ String.valueOf(data.isSort(ConferenceContext.SORT_NUMBER) ? -ConferenceContext.SORT_NUMBER
: ConferenceContext.SORT_NUMBER); %>
<B><A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(tmp) %>">#</A></B>
<TD ALIGN=LEFT><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<% tmp = self + "&sort="
+ String.valueOf(data.isSort(ConferenceContext.SORT_NAME) ? -ConferenceContext.SORT_NAME
: ConferenceContext.SORT_NAME); %>
<B><A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(tmp) %>">Topic Name</A></B>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<% tmp = self + "&sort="
+ String.valueOf(data.isSort(ConferenceContext.SORT_UNREAD) ? -ConferenceContext.SORT_UNREAD
: ConferenceContext.SORT_UNREAD); %>
<B><A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(tmp) %>">New</A></B>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<% tmp = self + "&sort="
+ String.valueOf(data.isSort(ConferenceContext.SORT_TOTAL) ? -ConferenceContext.SORT_TOTAL
: ConferenceContext.SORT_TOTAL); %>
<B><A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(tmp) %>">Total</A></B>
<TD ALIGN=LEFT><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<% tmp = self + "&sort="
+ String.valueOf(data.isSort(ConferenceContext.SORT_DATE) ? -ConferenceContext.SORT_DATE
: ConferenceContext.SORT_DATE); %>
<B><A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(tmp) %>">Last Response</A></B>
<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD ALIGN=LEFT COLSPAN=5><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>&nbsp;</FONT></TD></TR>
<% Iterator it = data.getTopicIterator(); %>
<% while (it.hasNext()) { %>
TopicContext topic = (TopicContext)(;
tmp = self + "&top=" + String.valueOf(topic.getTopicNumber()) + "&rnm=1";
<TD ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH="1%"><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(tmp) %>"><%= topic.getTopicNumber() %></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<TD ALIGN=LEFT><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(tmp) %>"><%= topic.getName() %></A>
<% if (topic.isArchived() && !(data.isView(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ARCHIVED))) { %>
<% } else if (topic.isFrozen()) { %>
<% } // end if %>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(tmp) %>"><%= topic.getUnreadMessages() %></A>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(self + "&top=" + String.valueOf(topic.getTopicNumber())
+ "&p1=0&p2=-1") %>"><%= topic.getTotalMessages() %></A>
<TD ALIGN=LEFT><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(null,2) %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(tmp) %>"><%= rdat.formatDateForDisplay(topic.getLastUpdateDate()) %></A>
<% } // end while (more topics in enumeration) %>
<% } else { %>
switch (data.getViewOption())
case ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_NEW:
<EM>No topics with unread messages found.</EM>
case ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ACTIVE:
case ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ALL:
<EM>No active topics found.</EM>
case ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_HIDDEN:
<EM>No hidden topics found.</EM>
case ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ARCHIVED:
<EM>No archived topics found.</EM>
<EM>Invalid display option selected.</EM>
} // end switch
<% } // end if %>
<% if (data.isView(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_NEW)) { %>
<% } else { %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(self + "&view=" + String.valueOf(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_NEW)) %>">New</A>
<% } // end if %>
<% if (data.isView(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ACTIVE)) { %>
<% } else { %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(self + "&view=" + String.valueOf(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ACTIVE)) %>">Active</A>
<% } // end if %>
<% if (data.isView(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ALL)) { %>
<% } else { %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(self + "&view=" + String.valueOf(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ALL)) %>">All</A>
<% } // end if %>
<% if (data.isView(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_HIDDEN)) { %>
<% } else { %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(self + "&view=" + String.valueOf(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_HIDDEN)) %>">Hidden</A>
<% } // end if %>
<% if (data.isView(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ARCHIVED)) { %>
<% } else { %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath(self + "&view=" + String.valueOf(ConferenceContext.DISPLAY_ARCHIVED)) %>">Archived</A>
<% } // end if %>
<% rdat.writeFooter(out); %>