Eric J. Bowersox dc28dfeb3e introduced the use of the Jakarta Commons Collections - revamped ObjectCache
to include an LRU hard reference map and simplified it greatly in the process
2002-05-27 08:13:39 +00:00
.gitignore introduced the use of the Jakarta Commons Collections - revamped ObjectCache 2002-05-27 08:13:39 +00:00
README.lib introduced the use of the Jakarta Commons Collections - revamped ObjectCache 2002-05-27 08:13:39 +00:00


N.B.: Any later versions of the libraries given here should work OK as long as they are backward
compatible with the versions specified here.

Library                         Version  File Name(s)                      Install To
Apache Jakarta Commons          2.0      commons-collections.jar           Venice "lib" subdirectory
Apache Jakarta Regexp           1.2      jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar            Venice "lib" subdirectory
Apache LOG4J                    1.1.3    log4j.jar                         Venice "lib" subdirectory
Bean Scripting Framework        2.2      bsf.jar                           Venice "lib" subdirectory
Jacl (Tcl interpreter)          1.3(CVS) jacl.jar, tcljava.jar             Venice "lib" subdirectory
Java Activation Framework       1.0.1    activation.jar                    JRE "ext" subdirectory
Java Advanced Imaging API       1.1.1    jai_core.jar, jai_codec.jar,      JRE "ext" subdirectory
Java API for XML Parsing        1.1      jaxp.jar, crimson.jar, xalan.jar  JRE "ext" subdirectory
JavaMail                        1.2      imap.jar, mailapi.jar, mail.jar,  JRE "ext" subdirectory
                                         pop3.jar, smtp.jar
Java Secure Socket Extensions   1.0.2    jcert.jar, jnet.jar, jsse.jar     JRE "ext" subdirectory
MySQL JDBC Driver               2.0.2    mysql.jar                         Venice "lib" subdirectory
Rhino (JavaScript interpreter)  1.5R2    js.jar                            Venice "lib" subdirectory

JAI 1.1.1: Place the accompanying .so file in /usr/local/lib or some other path suitable for shared
libraries.  If it can't be loaded, the JAI calls will still work.