
626 lines
27 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
language governing rights and limitations under the License.
The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved.
<!-- Venice configuration file - full name should be fed to the Venice engine at startup -->
<!-- This section is used to configure the Venice engine itself. -->
<!-- The fully-qualified Java classname of the Venice engine class. -->
<!-- The pathname of the sidebox config file, relative to the Web application root directory. -->
<!-- The pathname of the services config file, relative to the Web application root directory. -->
<!-- The pathname of the emoticons configuration file, relative to the Web application root directory. -->
<!-- If this property is set, these addresses are considered "privileged" and able to log in
as any user -->
<!-- <privileged-addresses>,</privileged-addresses> -->
<!-- This section is used to configure the database pool system. -->
<!-- If this is specified, Venice looks for a JCA DataSource with this name and delegates all connection
pooling work to it. All the other paramerers are ignored. -->
<!-- <jca-datasource>VeniceDB</jca-datasource> -->
<!-- The fully-qualified Java classname of the JDBC driver we wish to load. -->
<!-- The URI of the database we wish to load. -->
<!-- The username to use to log into the database. -->
<!-- The password to use to log into the database. -->
<!-- The initial number of connections to allocate to the database. -->
<!-- The maximum number of connections to the database that can be open at once. -->
<!-- If this tag is specified, the connection pool will wait for a connection to
become available if one is requested and none are available. If not, the
getConnection() method will throw an exception under those circumstances. -->
<!-- This section is used to configure the default security contexts, and should probably
not be tampered with. -->
<security-definition id="Global">
<role id="Anonymous" value="L+100">Anonymous User</role>
<role id="Unverified" value="L+500">Unauthenticated User</role>
<role id="Normal" value="L+1000">Normal User</role>
<role id="AnyAdmin" value="HMIN">Any System Administrator</role>
<role id="PFY" value="H+1000">System Assistant Administrator</role>
<role id="BOFH" value="HMAX">Global System Administrator</role>
<list id="UserLevels">
<element role="Global.Anonymous"/>
<element role="Global.Unverified"/>
<element role="Global.Normal"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<list id="UserLevelsPFY">
<element role="Global.Anonymous"/>
<element role="Global.Unverified"/>
<element role="Global.Normal"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<element role="Global.PFY"/>
<list id="CreateCommunity">
<element role="Global.Normal" default="true"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<element role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Global.PFY"/>
<element role="Global.BOFH"/>
<default id="NewUser" role="Global.Unverified"/>
<default id="AfterVerify" role="Global.Normal"/>
<default id="AfterEmailChange" role="Global.Unverified"/>
<permission id="ShowHiddenCategories" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="NoEmailVerify" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="SeeHiddenContactInfo" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="SearchHiddenCommunities" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="ShowHiddenCommunities" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="SearchHiddenCategories" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="SysAdminAccess" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="PublishFP" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="DesignatePFY" role="Global.BOFH"/>
<security-definition id="Community" parent="Global">
<role id="Member" value="L+500">Community Member</role>
<role id="AnyAdmin" value="HMIN">Any Community Administrator</role>
<role id="Cohost" value="H+1000">Community Co-Host</role>
<role id="Host" value="H+1500">Community Host</role>
<list id="Read">
<element role="Global.Anonymous"/>
<element role="Global.Unverified"/>
<element role="Global.Normal"/>
<element role="Community.Member" default="true"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<element role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Community.Cohost"/>
<element role="Community.Host"/>
<element role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<list id="Write">
<element role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Community.Cohost" default="true"/>
<element role="Community.Host"/>
<element role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Global.PFY"/>
<element role="Global.BOFH"/>
<list id="Create">
<element role="Global.Normal"/>
<element role="Community.Member"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<element role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Community.Cohost" default="true"/>
<element role="Community.Host"/>
<element role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<list id="Delete">
<element role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Community.Cohost"/>
<element role="Community.Host" default="true"/>
<element role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Global.PFY"/>
<element role="Global.BOFH"/>
<element role="NoAccess"/>
<list id="Join">
<element role="Global.Anonymous"/>
<element role="Global.Unverified"/>
<element role="Global.Normal" default="true"/>
<list id="UserLevels">
<element role="NotInList"/>
<element role="Global.Anonymous"/>
<element role="Global.Unverified"/>
<element role="Global.Normal"/>
<element role="Community.Member"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<element role="Community.Cohost"/>
<default id="NewUser" role="Community.Member"/>
<default id="Creator" role="Community.Host"/>
<permission id="ShowAdmin" role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="NoJoinRequired" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="NoKeyRequired" role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="ShowHiddenMembers" role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="ShowHiddenObjects" role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<permission id="MassMail" role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<security-definition id="Conference" parent="Community"> <!-- will move eventually -->
<role id="Member" value="L+500">Conference Member</role>
<role id="AnyAdmin" value="HMIN">Any Conference Administrator</role>
<role id="Host" value="H+1500">Conference Host</role>
<list id="Read">
<element role="Global.Anonymous"/>
<element role="Global.Unverified"/>
<element role="Global.Normal"/>
<element role="Community.Member"/>
<element role="Conference.Member"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<list id="Post">
<element role="Global.Anonymous"/>
<element role="Global.Unverified"/>
<element role="Global.Normal"/>
<element role="Community.Member"/>
<element role="Conference.Member"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<element role="Conference.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Conference.Host"/>
<list id="Create">
<element role="Global.Anonymous"/>
<element role="Global.Unverified"/>
<element role="Global.Normal"/>
<element role="Community.Member"/>
<element role="Conference.Member"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<element role="Conference.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Conference.Host"/>
<list id="Hide">
<element role="Conference.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Conference.Host" default="true"/>
<element role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Community.Cohost"/>
<element role="Community.Host"/>
<element role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<list id="Nuke">
<element role="Conference.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Conference.Host" default="true"/>
<element role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Community.Cohost"/>
<element role="Community.Host"/>
<element role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<list id="Change">
<element role="Conference.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Conference.Host" default="true"/>
<element role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Community.Cohost"/>
<element role="Community.Host"/>
<element role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<list id="Delete">
<element role="Community.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Community.Cohost" default="true"/>
<element role="Community.Host"/>
<element role="Global.AnyAdmin"/>
<element role="Global.PFY"/>
<element role="Global.BOFH"/>
<element role="NoAccess"/>
<list id="UserLevels">
<element role="NotInList"/>
<element role="Global.Anonymous"/>
<element role="Global.Unverified"/>
<element role="Global.Normal"/>
<element role="Community.Member"/>
<element role="Conference.Member"/>
<element role="UnrestrictedUser"/>
<element role="Conference.Host"/>
<default id="HostPrivs" role="Conference.AnyAdmin"/>
<default id="NewUser" role="Conference.Member"/>
<default id="NewHost" role="Conference.Host"/>
<default id="Creator" role="Conference.Host"/>
<default id="Read.Public" role="Community.Member"/>
<default id="Read.Private" role="Conference.Member"/>
<default id="Post.Public" role="Community.Member"/>
<default id="Post.Private" role="Conference.Member"/>
<default id="Create.Public" role="Community.Member"/>
<default id="Create.Private" role="Conference.Member"/>
<permission id="EMailParticipants" role="Conference.AnyAdmin"/>
<!-- This section is used to configure electronic mail services. -->
<!-- The SMTP server to use when sending messages out. This server must be
configured to allow relaying from the host running Venice. -->
<!-- The return address to use on all email messages. -->
<!-- The string to use in the "X-Mailer:" header on all outgoing mail. -->
<mailer>Venice AutoMail System v0.01</mailer>
<!-- This section dictates which dictionary files get loaded into the spelling checker's
main dictionary. The default lexicon is a standard US English one, with a supplemental list of
words provided by Erbo. -->
<!-- This section provides the HTML Checker configurations used by the application. -->
<config name="post-body">
<options wordwrap="55" angles="true" parens="true" discardHTML="false"/>
<output-filter type="normal" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.HTMLEncodingFilter"/>
<rewriter type="string" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmoticonRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="string" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmailRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="string" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.URLRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmoticonTagHandler"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.db.PostLinkRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.db.UserNameRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmailRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.URLRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="paren" class="com.silverwrist.venice.db.UserNameRewriter"/>
<tag-set id="normal"/>
<config name="post-pseud">
<options wordwrap="0" angles="true" parens="false" discardHTML="false"/>
<output-filter type="normal" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.HTMLEncodingFilter"/>
<tag-set id="restricted"/>
<config name="preview">
<options wordwrap="55" angles="true" parens="true" discardHTML="false"/>
<output-filter type="normal" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.HTMLEncodingFilter"/>
<rewriter type="string" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmoticonRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="string" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmailRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="string" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.URLRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="word" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.SpellingRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmoticonTagHandler"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.db.PostLinkRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.db.UserNameRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmailRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.URLRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="paren" class="com.silverwrist.venice.db.UserNameRewriter"/>
<tag-set id="normal"/>
<config name="escaper">
<options wordwrap="0" angles="false" parens="false" discardHTML="false"/>
<output-filter type="normal" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.HTMLEncodingFilter"/>
<config name="mail-post">
<options wordwrap="55" angles="true" parens="false" discardHTML="true" discardRejected="true"/>
<tag-set id="normal"/>
<config name="post-from-email">
<options wordwrap="55" rewrap="true" angles="true" parens="true" discardHTML="false"
discardRejected="true" discardComments="true" discardXML="true"/>
<output-filter type="normal" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.HTMLEncodingFilter"/>
<rewriter type="string" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmoticonRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="string" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmailRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="string" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.URLRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmoticonTagHandler"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.db.PostLinkRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.db.UserNameRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.EmailRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="tag" class="com.silverwrist.venice.htmlcheck.filters.URLRewriter"/>
<rewriter type="paren" class="com.silverwrist.venice.db.UserNameRewriter"/>
<tag-set id="normal"/>
<tag-set disallow="font"/>
<!-- Settings for dealing with uploads -->
<!-- Don't try to compress any file whose type falls in this list -->
<!-- This section holds "stock messages" with replaceable parameters that may
be fed to emailed output. -->
<!-- A "signature" that gets appended to emailed messages. -->
Venice - community services, conferencing and more. <>
<!-- Message which is added to e-mail headers -->
Message sent via Venice Web Communities System - <>
The Venice Project is not responsible for the contents of this message
Report abuses to: <>
<!-- This is the message sent out with the email confirmation number. -->
<!-- Parameters: username - account user name, confnum - confirmation number -->
Welcome to the Venice conferencing system! In order to fully activate your
account after you register or change your E-mail address, you must provide a
confirmation number to the system. Please enter this number into the "Confirm
E-mail Address" dialog on the system when indicated.
Your confirmation number for your account "${username}" is ${confnum}.
Access the E-mail verification dialog at <http://delenn/venice/verifyemail>.
Thank you, and enjoy the Venice conferencing system!
-- The Management
<!-- The subject of the message with the email confirmation number. -->
<email-confirm-subject>Venice Email Confirmation</email-confirm-subject>
<!-- This is the "password reminder" message. -->
<!-- Parameters: username - account user name, reminder - password reminder -->
Here is the password reminder for your account "${username}" as you requested:
If this reminder is not sufficient for you to remember what your password is,
then the system can change your password for you. To do so, please visit
the following URL:
Your password will be changed and a new password will be E-mailed to you
at this address.
If you did NOT request a password reminder, then this message was sent
by someone attempting to access your account without your knowledge. Do
not panic! Nothing has happened to your account or password yet, but
please do notify the system administrator.
-- The Management
<reminder-subject>Venice Password Reminder Message</reminder-subject>
The password for your account "${username}" has been changed. The new
password is "${password}".
You should log into Venice immediately and change the password to something
else. You can change the password for your account, once you are logged in,
by clicking on the "Profile" link in the top bar.
If you did NOT request a password change on your account, please notify the
system administrator IMMEDIATELY.
-- The Management
<password-change-subject>Venice Password Changed</password-change-subject>
<!-- Invitation message to a public community -->
<!-- Parameters: = name of community, community.alias = alias of community,
personal = personal message, fullname = name of inviter,
username = user name of inviter -->
Hi! I would like to invite you to join the "${}" community on
the Venice conferencing system. To do so, you must register as a user, which
is absolutely free! Just point your Web browser at
<http://delenn/venice/sig/${community.alias}> and click the "Create Account"
link at the top of the page, or click the "Log In" link if you already have
a Venice account. Once you have completed the process, click the "Join Now"
button. You will then be able to take part in the conferences that are
going on in the community.
Hope to see you in "${}" soon!
-- ${fullname} (Venice user ID: ${username})
<!-- Invitation message to a private community -->
<!-- Parameters: = name of community, community.alias = alias of community,
joinkey = join key for community, personal = personal message,
fullname = name of inviter, username = user name of inviter -->
Hi! I would like to invite you to join the "${}" community on
the Venice conferencing system. To do so, you must register as a user, which
is absolutely free! Just point your Web browser at
<http://delenn/venice/sig/${community.alias}> and click the "Create Account"
link at the top of the page, or click the "Log In" link if you already have
a Venice account. Once you have completed the process, click the "Join Now"
button. You will be prompted for the "password" for this community, which is
"${joinkey}". You will then be able to take part in the conferences that are
going on in the community.
Hope to see you in "${}" soon!
-- ${fullname} (Venice user ID: ${username})
<!-- Subject line for invitation messages -->
<!-- Parameters: = name of community -->
<subj-invite>Invitation to "${}" Community</subj-invite>
<!-- What to add above the "personal" message for a conference-specific invite. -->
<!-- Parameters:, -->
After you've joined the "${}" community, check out the
"${}" conference. To find it, after joining the community,
click "Conferences" on the left menu bar, then click on the
"${}" conference name in the conference list.
<!-- What to add above the "personal" message for a topic-specific invite. -->
<!-- Parameters:,, -->
After you've joined the "${}" community, check out the
"${}" topic in the "${}" conference. To find it,
after joining the community, click "Conferences" on the left menu bar, then
click on the "${}" conference name in the conference list,
then click on the "${}" topic name in the topic list.
<!-- Template used for E-mailing posts to users (top half of E-mail) -->
<!-- Parameters: message.poster,, topic.locator,, -->
The following message was just posted by "${message.poster}" to the
"${}" topic in the "${}" conference
of the "${}" community on the Venice community system.
<!-- Template used for E-mailing posts to users (bottom half of E-mail) -->
<!-- Parameters: message.poster,, topic.locator,, -->
Join the ongoing discussion at:
To stop receiving new posts in this topic by E-mail, visit the above URL,
click the "Manage" button, and click the "Stop Subscribing To This Topic" link.
<!-- Subject line for posts that are E-mailed to users -->
<!-- Parameters: message.poster,, topic.locator,, -->
<subj-mail-post>New Post in ${}</subj-mail-post>
<!-- Mass mail notification reminder for communities -->
<!-- Parameters: -->
You are receiving this message because you are a member of the Venice
community "${}". The sender is a host of this community.
To stop receiving mass E-mailed notices from all Venice community and
conference hosts, visit Venice, click on the "Profile" link, check the box
labeled "Don't send me mass E-mail from community/conference hosts," and
click Update to save this preference.
<!-- Mass mail notification reminder for conference posters -->
<!-- Parameters:, -->
You are receiving this message because you are a participant in the
"${}" conference in the Venice community "${}".
The sender is a host of this conference. To stop receiving mass E-mailed
notices from all Venice community and conference hosts, visit Venice, click
on the "Profile" link, check the box labeled "Don't send me mass E-mail from
community/conference hosts," and click Update to save this preference.
<!-- Mass mail notification reminder for conference readers -->
<!-- Parameters:, -->
You are receiving this message because you are a reader of the
"${}" conference in the Venice community "${}".
The sender is a host of this conference. To stop receiving mass E-mailed
notices from all Venice community and conference hosts, visit Venice, click
on the "Profile" link, check the box labeled "Don't send me mass E-mail from
community/conference hosts," and click Update to save this preference.
<!-- Mass mail notification reminder for topic posters -->
<!-- Parameters:,, -->
You are receiving this message because you are a participant in the
"${}" topic in the "${}" conference in the Venice
community "${}". The sender is a host of the
"${}" conference. To stop receiving mass E-mailed notices
from all Venice community and conference hosts, visit Venice, click on the
"Profile" link, check the box labeled "Don't send me mass E-mail from
community/conference hosts," and click Update to save this preference.
<!-- Mass mail notification reminder for topic readers -->
<!-- Parameters:,, -->
You are receiving this message because you are a reader of the "${}"
topic in the "${}" conference in the Venice community
"${}". The sender is a host of the "${}"
conference. To stop receiving mass E-mailed notices from all Venice
community and conference hosts, visit Venice, click on the "Profile" link,
check the box labeled "Don't send me mass E-mail from community/conference
hosts," and click Update to save this preference.