0.1 1.1 topic Tag library used to access various topic elements. can_create com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicCanCreateTag Includes its content if the user can create topics in the current conference. JSP can_freeze com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicCanFreezeTag Includes its content if the user can freeze or unfreeze the current topic. JSP can_archive com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicCanArchiveTag Includes its content if the user can archive or unarchive the current topic. JSP can_delete com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicCanDeleteTag Includes its content if the user can delete the current topic. JSP ID com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicIDTag Substitutes the topic ID. EMPTY number com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicNumberTag Substitutes the topic number. EMPTY name com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicNameTag Substitutes the topic name. EMPTY is_archived com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicIsArchivedTag Includes its content if the topic is archived. JSP is_not_archived com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicIsNotArchivedTag Includes its content if the topic is not archived. JSP is_frozen com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicIsFrozenTag Includes its content if the topic is frozen. JSP is_not_frozen com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicIsNotFrozenTag Includes its content if the topic is not frozen. JSP is_hidden com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicIsHiddenTag Includes its content if the topic is hidden. JSP is_not_hidden com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicIsNotHiddenTag Includes its content if the topic is not hidden. JSP last_message com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicLastMessageTag Substitutes the index of the last message in the topic. EMPTY subscribed com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicSubscribedTag Includes its content if the user is subscribed to this topic. JSP not_subscribed com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicNotSubscribedTag Includes its content if the user is not subscribed to this topic. JSP can_send_invite com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicCanSendInvitationTag Includes its content if the user can send an invitation to the current topic. JSP specified com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicSpecifiedTag Includes its content if the topic was specified. JSP not_specified com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicNotSpecifiedTag Includes its content if the topic was not specified. JSP can_post com.silverwrist.venice.ui.conf.jsp.TopicCanPostTag Includes its content if the user can post to the current topic. JSP