com.silverwrist.venice.core.impl.VeniceEngineImpl WEB-INF/sidebox-config.xml jdbc:mysql://localhost/venice venicedb x00yes2K 5 20 janelane nobody@delenn.silverwrist.internal Venice AutoMail System v0.01 /home/erbo/venice/WEB-INF/en-us.dict /home/erbo/venice/WEB-INF/erbo.dict image/gif image/jpg image/jpeg ]]> Venice Email Confirmation Venice Password Reminder Message Venice Password Changed and click the "Create Account" link at the top of the page, or click the "Log In" link if you already have a Venice account. Once you have completed the process, click the "Join Now" button. You will then be able to take part in the conferences that are going on in the community. ${personal} Hope to see you in "${}" soon! -- ${fullname} (Venice user ID: ${username}) ]]> and click the "Create Account" link at the top of the page, or click the "Log In" link if you already have a Venice account. Once you have completed the process, click the "Join Now" button. You will be prompted for the "password" for this community, which is "${joinkey}". You will then be able to take part in the conferences that are going on in the community. ${personal} Hope to see you in "${}" soon! -- ${fullname} (Venice user ID: ${username}) ]]> Invitation to "${}" Community