<% if (rdat.useHTMLComments()) { %><% } %> ">" ALT="Topic List" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% if (data.isTopicHidden()) { %> ">" ALT="Show Topic" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% } else { %> ">" ALT="Hide Topic" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% } // end if %> <% if (data.canDoNextTopic()) { %> ">" ALT="Next Topic" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% if (data.getNewMessages()>0) { %> ">" ALT="Next & Keep New" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% } // end if %> <% } // end if %> ">" ALT="Find" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> ">" ALT="Manage" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> | |
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<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %>
<% if (!(data.bozoFilterUser(msg.getCreatorUID()))) { %>
<%= data.getUserPhotoTag(msg.getCreatorUID(),rdat) %>
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"><%= msg.getPostNumber() %> of
<%= data.getTotalMessages() - 1 %>
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,1) %><<%= data.getMessageReference(msg) %>>
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<% if (data.showAdvanced() && data.showBozoFilteredIndicator(msg.getCreatorUID())) { %>
(User filtered;
">remove filter)
<% } // end if %>
<% if (!(data.bozoFilterUser(msg.getCreatorUID()))) { %>
<%= msg.getPseud() %> ( " TARGET="_blank"><%= poster %>, <%= rdat.formatDateForDisplay(msg.getPostDate()) %> ) <% if (msg.hasAttachment()) { %> " <% if (data.displayAttachmentInNewWindow(msg)) { %>TARGET="_blank"<% } %> >" ALT="(Attachment <%= msg.getAttachmentFilename() %> - <%= msg.getAttachmentLength() %> bytes)" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0> <% } // end if %> <% } // end if (message not bozo-filtered) %>
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(Scribbled by <%= data.getMessageBodyText(msg) %> on
<%= rdat.formatDateForDisplay(msg.getScribbleDate()) %>)
<% if (data.displayPostPictures()) { %>
<% } else if (data.bozoFilterUser(msg.getCreatorUID())) { %>
">(Message from Filtered User:
<%= msg.getNumLines() %> <% if (msg.getNumLines()==1) { %>Line<% } else { %>Lines<% } %>)
<% } else if (msg.isHidden() && !(data.showAdvanced())) { %>
Message: <%= msg.getNumLines() %> <% if (msg.getNumLines()==1) { %>Line<% } else { %>Lines<% } %>)
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">" ALT="Show" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% } else { %> ">" ALT="Hide" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% } // end if %> <% } // end if (can hide) %> <% if (msg.canScribble()) { %> ">" ALT="Scribble" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% } // end if (can scribble) %> <% } // end if (not already scribbled) %> <% if (data.showFilterButton(msg.getCreatorUID())) { %> ">" ALT="Filter User" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% } // end if (can bozo filter) %> <% if (msg.canNuke()) { %> ">" ALT="Nuke" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% } // end if (can nuke) %> <% if (msg.canPublish()) { %> ">" ALT="Publish" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0> <% } // end if (can publish) %> |
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %> <% if (rdat.useHTMLComments()) { %><% } %> [ ">View All <% if (data.canScrollUp()) { %> | ">Scroll Up <%= data.getNumPostsPerPage() %> <% } // end if %> <% if (data.canScrollDown()) { %> | ">Scroll Down <%= data.getNumPostsPerPage() %> <% } // end if %> <% if (data.canScrollDown()) { %> | ">Scroll To End <% } // end if %> | Top ] | |
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