com.silverwrist.venice.core.impl.VeniceEngineImpl jdbc:mysql://localhost/venice venicedb x00yes2K 5 20 janelane nobody@delenn.silverwrist.internal Venice AutoMail System v0.01 /home/erbo/venice/WEB-INF/en-us.dict /home/erbo/venice/WEB-INF/erbo.dict Welcome to the Venice conferencing system! In order to fully activate your account after you register or change your E-mail address, you must provide a confirmation number to the system. Please enter this number into the "Confirm E-mail Address" dialog on the system when indicated. Your confirmation number for your account "$USERNAME" is $CONFNUM. Thank you, and enjoy the Venice conferencing system! -- The Management Here is the password reminder for your account "$USERNAME" as you requested: $REMINDER If this reminder is not sufficient for you to remember what your password is, please contact the server administrator for further assistance. -- The Management