// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at . // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT // WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific // language governing rights and limitations under the License. // // The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox , // for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are // Copyright (C) 2001 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): importPackage(Packages.com.silverwrist.venice.core); importPackage(Packages.com.silverwrist.venice.except); importPackage(Packages.com.silverwrist.venice.ui); importPackage(Packages.com.silverwrist.venice.ui.dlg); importPackage(Packages.com.silverwrist.venice.ui.helpers); // Get the request object and the target URI. rinput = bsf.lookupBean("request"); target = rinput.getParameter("tgt"); if (target==null) target = "top.js.vs"; // If the user is not logged in, this is an error. user = rinput.user; if (!(user.isLoggedIn())) { // user not logged in - just bail on this vlib.output(new ErrorBox(null,"You must log in before you can modify the profile on your account.")); vlib.done(); } // end if dlg = rinput.getDialog("profile"); rc = null; if ("GET"==rinput.verb) { // set up the dialog dlg.setValue("tgt",target); try { // pull the user data... ci = user.getContactInfo(); // get the main contact info props = user.properties; // get the properties dlg.setEnabled("photo",ci.canSetPhoto()); dlg.setValue("prefix",ci.namePrefix); dlg.setValue("first",ci.givenName); if (ci.middleInitial!=' ') dlg.setValue("mid",String.fromCharCode(ci.middleInitial)); dlg.setValue("last",ci.familyName); dlg.setValue("suffix",ci.nameSuffix); dlg.setValue("company",ci.company); dlg.setValue("addr1",ci.addressLine1); dlg.setValue("addr2",ci.addressLine2); if (ci.privateAddress) dlg.setValue("pvt_addr",1); dlg.setValue("loc",ci.locality); dlg.setValue("reg",ci.region); dlg.setValue("pcode",ci.postalCode); dlg.setValue("country",ci.country); dlg.setValue("phone",ci.phone); dlg.setValue("mobile",ci.mobile); if (ci.privatePhone) dlg.setValue("pvt_phone",1); dlg.setValue("fax",ci.fax); if (ci.privateFax) dlg.setValue("pvt_fax",1); dlg.setValue("email",ci.email); if (ci.privateEmail) dlg.setValue("pvt_email",1); dlg.setValue("url",ci.URL); dlg.setValue("descr",user.description); dlg.setValue("photo",ci.photoURL); dlg.sendMessage("photo","setLinkURL","profile_photo.js.vs?tgt=" + vlib.encodeURL(target)); if (props.displayPostPictures) dlg.setValue("pic_in_post",1); if (props.massMailOptOut) dlg.setValue("no_mass_mail",1); dlg.setValue("locale",user.locale); dlg.setValue("tz",user.timeZone); rinput.displayLogin = false; rc = dlg; } // end try catch (e) { // exception setting up the dialog etype = vlib.exceptionType(e) + ""; if (etype.match("DataException")) rc = new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error retrieving profile: " + e.message,target); else rc = e; } // end catch vlib.output(rc); vlib.done(); } // end if // everything that follows is for a POST operation op = dlg.whichButton(rinput) + ""; if (op=="cancel") { // user cancelled profile update - bounce back to the target vlib.output(new Redirect(target,LinkTypes.SERVLET)); vlib.done(); } // end if dlg.load(rinput); // load the dialog parameters if (op=="update") { // attempt to update the user profile try { // start by validating the dialog dlg.validate(); // validate the dialog // check the passwords pass1 = dlg.getValue("pass1") + ""; pass2 = dlg.getValue("pass2") + ""; if (vlib.emptyString(pass1)) { // empty must match empty if (!(vlib.emptyString(pass2))) throw new ValidationException("The typed passwords do not match."); } // end if else { // the two passwords must match if (pass1!=pass2) throw new ValidationException("The typed passwords do not match."); } // end else ci = user.getContactInfo(); // get the main contact info props = user.properties; // get the properties // Reset the contact info fields. ci.namePrefix = dlg.getValue("prefix"); ci.givenName = dlg.getValue("first"); blort = dlg.getValue("mid") + ""; if (blort.length<1) ci.middleInitial = " "; else ci.middleInitial = blort.substring(0,1); ci.familyName = dlg.getValue("last"); ci.nameSuffix = dlg.getValue("suffix"); ci.company = dlg.getValue("company"); ci.addressLine1 = dlg.getValue("addr1"); ci.addressLine2 = dlg.getValue("addr2"); ci.privateAddress = dlg.getValue("pvt_addr").booleanValue(); ci.locality = dlg.getValue("loc"); ci.region = dlg.getValue("reg"); ci.postalCode = dlg.getValue("pcode"); ci.country = dlg.getValue("country"); ci.phone = dlg.getValue("phone"); ci.mobile = dlg.getValue("mobile"); ci.privatePhone = dlg.getValue("pvt_phone").booleanValue(); ci.fax = dlg.getValue("fax"); ci.privateFax = dlg.getValue("pvt_fax").booleanValue(); ci.email = dlg.getValue("email"); ci.privateEmail = dlg.getValue("pvt_email").booleanValue(); ci.URL = dlg.getValue("url"); // Store the completed contact info. need_verify = user.putContactInfo(ci); // Save off the properties. props.displayPostPictures = dlg.getValue("pic_in_post").booleanValue(); props.massMailOptOut = dlg.getValue("no_mass_mail").booleanValue(); user.properties = props; // Save off the user's description and preferences. user.description = dlg.getValue("descr"); user.locale = dlg.getValue("locale"); user.timeZone = dlg.getValue("tz"); // Finally, change the password if applicable. if (!(vlib.emptyString(pass1))) user.setPassword(pass1,dlg.getValue("remind")); // Bounce back to our desired target. if (need_verify) rc = new Redirect("verify_email.js.vs?tgt=" + vlib.encodeURL(target),LinkTypes.SERVLET); else rc = new Redirect(target,LinkTypes.SERVLET); } // end try catch (e) { // exception changing the user profile etype = vlib.exceptionType(e) + ""; if (etype.match("ValidationException")) { // redisplay the dialog on validation error dlg.setErrorMessage(e.message + " Please try again."); dlg.setEnabled("photo",user.canSetUserPhoto()); dlg.setValue("pass1",null); dlg.setValue("pass2",null); rinput.displayLogin = false; rc = dlg; } // end if else if (etype.match("DataException")) rc = new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error updating profile: " + e.message,target); else if (etype.match("EmailException")) rc = new ErrorBox("E-mail Error","E-mail error sending confirmation: " + e.message,target); else rc = e; } // end catch } // end if else { // unknown button pressed... logger.error("no known button click on POST to profile.js"); rc = new ErrorBox("Internal Error","Unknown command button pressed",target); } // end else vlib.output(rc); // all done!