<%-- Display the subcategory list --%>
<% List subcats = data.getSubCategoryList(); %>
<% if ((subcats!=null) && (subcats.size()>0)) { %>
<% if (rdat.useHTMLComments()) { %><% } %>
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %> <% CategoryDescriptor c = (CategoryDescriptor)(it.next()); a_head = ""; %> <%= a_head %><%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(c.getTitleAtLevel(c.getNumLevels()-1)) %> <% if (c.isSymbolicLink()) { %>@<% } %> |
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,3) %> <%-- The initial search results --%> <% if (cat!=null) { %>Communities in Category<% } else { %>Search Results<% } %> <% if (data.getFindCount()>0) { %> (Displaying <%= data.getOffset() + 1 %>-<%= data.getOffset() + dcount %> of <%= data.getFindCount() %>) <% } else { %>(None)<% } %> | <% if (go_next || (data.getOffset()>0)) { %> <%-- The navigational form that allows us to page through the results --%> <% if (rdat.useHTMLComments()) { %><% } %> <% } else { %> <% } %> |
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %>
<% Object item = results.get(i); %>
<% if (data.getDisplayOption()==FindData.FD_COMMUNITIES) { %>
CommunityContext comm = (CommunityContext)item;
String host_name = getCommunityHostName(comm);
int members = getCommunityMemberCount(comm);
"><%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(comm.getName()) %> <% if (host_name!=null) { %> Host: "><%= host_name %> <% } // end if (got host name) %> <% if (members>=0) { %> <% if (host_name!=null) { %> - <% } %> <%= members %> members <% } // end if (got member count) %> <% if ((host_name!=null) || (members>=0)) { %> <% } %> Latest activity: <%= getActivityString(comm,rdat) %> <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(comm.getSynopsis()) %> <% } else if (data.getDisplayOption()==FindData.FD_USERS) { %> <% UserFound uf = (UserFound)item; %> "><%= uf.getName() %> <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getGivenName()) %> <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getFamilyName()) %>, from <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getLocality()) %>, <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getRegion()) %> <%= uf.getCountry() %> <% if (uf.getDescription()!=null) { %> <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getDescription()) %><% } %> <% } else if (data.getDisplayOption()==FindData.FD_CATEGORIES) { %> <% CategoryDescriptor cd = (CategoryDescriptor)item; %> <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(cd.toString()) %> <% } %> |