com.silverwrist.venice.core.impl.VeniceEngineImpl jdbc:mysql://localhost/venice venicedb x00yes2K 5 20 janelane nobody@delenn.silverwrist.internal Venice AutoMail System v0.01 /home/erbo/venice/WEB-INF/en-us.dict /home/erbo/venice/WEB-INF/erbo.dict Venice - community services, conferencing and more. Welcome to the Venice conferencing system! In order to fully activate your account after you register or change your E-mail address, you must provide a confirmation number to the system. Please enter this number into the "Confirm E-mail Address" dialog on the system when indicated. Your confirmation number for your account "$USERNAME" is $CONFNUM. Thank you, and enjoy the Venice conferencing system! -- The Management Here is the password reminder for your account "$USERNAME" as you requested: $REMINDER If this reminder is not sufficient for you to remember what your password is, please contact the server administrator for further assistance. -- The Management Hi! I would like to invite you to join the "$SIGNAME" Special Interest Group (SIG) on the Venice conferencing system. To do so, you must register as a user, which is absolutely free! Just point your Web browser at <http://delenn:8080/venice/sig/$SIGALIAS> and click the "Create Account" link at the top of the page, or click the "Log In" link if you already have a Venice account. Once you have completed the process, click the "Join Now" button. You will then be able to take part in the conferences that are going on in the SIG. $PERSONAL Hope to see you in "$SIGNAME" soon! -- $FULLNAME (Venice user ID: $USERNAME) Hi! I would like to invite you to join the "$SIGNAME" Special Interest Group (SIG) on the Venice conferencing system. To do so, you must register as a user, which is absolutely free! Just point your Web browser at <http://delenn:8080/venice/sig/$SIGALIAS> and click the "Create Account" link at the top of the page, or click the "Log In" link if you already have a Venice account. Once you have completed the process, click the "Join Now" button. You will be prompted for the "password" for this SIG, which is "$JOINKEY". You will then be able to take part in the conferences that are going on in the SIG. $PERSONAL Hope to see you in "$SIGNAME" soon! -- $FULLNAME (Venice user ID: $USERNAME) Invitation to "$SIGNAME" SIG