for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
Copyright (C) 2001 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved.
<%@ page import = "java.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.util.StringUtil" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.venice.core.*" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.venice.servlets.Variables" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.venice.servlets.format.*" %>
ManageTopic data = ManageTopic.retrieve(request);
RenderData rdat = RenderConfig.createRenderData(application,request,response);
<% if (rdat.useHTMLComments()) { %><% } %>
<% rdat.writeContentHeader(out,"Manage Topic:",data.getTopicName()); %>
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %>
">Return to Topic
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %>
Topic Subscription:
<% if (data.isSubscribed()) { %>
You are currently subscribed to this topic, and will receive all new posts to it via E-mail.
">Click Here
to Stop Subscribing To This Topic
<% } else { %>
You are not currently subscribed to this topic. When you subscribe to a topic, you will receive all new
posts to that topic via E-mail.
">Click Here
to Start Subscribing To This Topic
<% } // end if %>
Filtered Users:
<% if (data.getNumBozos()>0) { %>
<% Iterator it = data.getBozosIterator(); %>
<% while (it.hasNext()) { %>
<% UserProfile prof = (UserProfile)(it.next()); %>
"> " ALT="Remove" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %>
<"><%= prof.getUserName() %>>
(<%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(prof.getGivenName()) %>
<%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(prof.getFamilyName()) %>)
<% } // end while %>
" ALT="Remove" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16>
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %>
Click this symbol to cease filtering this user in this topic.
<% } else { %>
No users currently filtered.
<% } // end if %>