- New words in the dictionary
- Bugs fixed in HTML Checker tag stack which rejected <IMG> and <LI>
and had a potential infinite loop
- Multipart handling now handles Windows-uploaded filenames correctly
- Bug fixed in PostOperations that was causing nuke to fail and scribble
and hide to succeed but throw an internal servlet error
- Enhanced conference listing now gives a better activity report in conferences
- Top Content font enlarged
- Null posts now work (they used to in WebbMe)
- Slippage display corrected
- Probably a couple of other things I can't think of just now.
finally implemented background sweeps of unreferenced cache objects;
anonymous user, when viewing profiles, now sees them as if all "privacy"
flags were switched on
to set their default language and time zone preferences; added footer text
and account signup accept/decline rules; added additional implementation
of dictyionary code for future; minor cleanup of rendering config; and
so forth