added the Member List functionality to communities

This commit is contained in:
Eric J. Bowersox 2001-11-12 20:18:07 +00:00
parent 98d949fd74
commit 5b17952eee
7 changed files with 622 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -254,6 +254,14 @@
Displays the members list for a community (internal redirect to CommunityOperations).
<!-- the following are test servlets, they should go away -->
@ -387,6 +395,11 @@
<!-- the following are test servlets, they should go away -->

View File

@ -1368,7 +1368,8 @@ INSERT INTO refsigftr (ftr_code, is_default, is_locked, is_hidden, require_read,
(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 4900, 0, 'PROF', 'Profile', 'sigprofile'),
(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 5000, 57000, 'ADMN', 'Administration', 'sigadmin'),
(2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 10000, 63000, 'SYSA', 'System Administration', 'sysadmin'),
(3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 500, 0, 'CONF', 'Conferences', 'confops');
(3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 500, 0, 'CONF', 'Conferences', 'confops'),
(4, 1, 1, 0, 1, 4800, 0, 'MEMB', 'Members', 'members');
# Create the initial advertisements (quotes).
INSERT INTO adverts (imagepath) VALUES
@ -1456,7 +1457,7 @@ INSERT INTO propcomm (cid, ndx, data) VALUES (1, 0, '');
# Insert the desired features for the 'Administration' SIG.
INSERT INTO sigftrs (sigid, ftr_code)
VALUES (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3);
VALUES (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4);
# Make the 'Administrator' user the host of the 'Administration' SIG. Also, the Administrator
# cannot unjoin the community.
@ -1490,7 +1491,7 @@ INSERT INTO propcomm (cid, ndx, data) VALUES (2, 0, '');
# Insert the desired features for La Piazza.
INSERT INTO sigftrs (sigid, ftr_code)
VALUES (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 3);
VALUES (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 4);
# Make 'Anonymous Honyak' a member of La Piazza. This is important because new users will
# have the membership list of Anonymous Honyak copied to their account on signup (but with
@ -1558,7 +1559,7 @@ INSERT INTO contacts (contactid, locality, country, owner_uid, owner_sigid)
VALUES (6, 'Anywhere', 'US', 2, 3);
INSERT INTO propcomm (cid, ndx, data) VALUES (3, 0, '');
INSERT INTO sigftrs (sigid, ftr_code)
VALUES (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 3);
VALUES (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 3), (3, 4);
INSERT INTO sigmember (sigid, uid, granted_lvl, locked)
VALUES (3, 2, 58500, 1);
@ -1573,6 +1574,6 @@ INSERT INTO contacts (contactid, locality, country, owner_uid, owner_sigid)
VALUES (7, 'Anywhere', 'US', 2, 4);
INSERT INTO propcomm (cid, ndx, data) VALUES (4, 0, '');
INSERT INTO sigftrs (sigid, ftr_code)
VALUES (4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 3);
VALUES (4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 3), (4, 4);
INSERT INTO sigmember (sigid, uid, granted_lvl, locked)
VALUES (4, 2, 58500, 1);

View File

@ -213,6 +213,29 @@ public class CommunityOperations extends VeniceServlet
} // end if ("I" command)
if (cmd.equals("M"))
{ // "M" = List Members
CommunityContext comm = getCommunityParameter(request,user,true,"top");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Member list for community: " + comm.getName());
{ // return the view dialog
ViewCommunityMembers view = new ViewCommunityMembers(engine,comm);
return view;
} // end try
catch (DataException de)
{ // unable to get community members list
return new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error getting community members list: "
+ de.getMessage(),"top");
} // end catch
} // end if ("M" command)
// this is an error!
logger.error("invalid command to CommunityOperations.doGet: " + cmd);
return new ErrorBox("Internal Error","Invalid command to CommunityOperations.doGet","top");
@ -230,6 +253,7 @@ public class CommunityOperations extends VeniceServlet
if (cmd.equals("J"))
{ // "J" = Join Community (requires community parameter)
CommunityContext comm = getCommunityParameter(request,user,true,"top");
setMyLocation(request,"sigops?cmd=J&sig=" + comm.getCommunityID());
JoinKeyDialog dlg = makeJoinKeyDialog();
if (dlg.isButtonClicked(request,"cancel")) // cancel - go back to community opening page
@ -336,6 +360,7 @@ public class CommunityOperations extends VeniceServlet
if (cmd.equals("I"))
{ // "I" = Send invitation (requires community parameter)
CommunityContext comm = getCommunityParameter(request,user,true,"top");
setMyLocation(request,"sigops?cmd=I&sig=" + comm.getCommunityID());
String on_error = "sig/" + comm.getAlias();
if (isImageButtonClicked(request,"cancel")) // cancel - go back to community opening page
@ -376,6 +401,37 @@ public class CommunityOperations extends VeniceServlet
} // end if ("I" command)
if (cmd.equals("M"))
{ // "M" = Display Members List
CommunityContext comm = getCommunityParameter(request,user,true,"top");
setMyLocation(request,"sigops?cmd=M&sig=" + comm.getCommunityID());
String on_error = "sig/" + comm.getAlias();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Member list for community: " + comm.getName());
{ // generate the members list
ViewCommunityMembers view = new ViewCommunityMembers(engine,comm);
return view;
} // end try
catch (ValidationException ve)
{ // validation error - throw it back to the user
return new ErrorBox(null,ve.getMessage() + " Please try again.",
"sigops?cmd=M&sig=" + comm.getCommunityID());
} // end catch
catch (DataException de)
{ // unable to get community members list
return new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error getting community members list: "
+ de.getMessage(),on_error);
} // end catch
} // end if ("M" command)
// this is an error!
logger.error("invalid command to CommunityOperations.doPost: " + cmd);
return new ErrorBox("Internal Error","Invalid command to CommunityOperations.doPost","top");
@ -383,3 +439,6 @@ public class CommunityOperations extends VeniceServlet
} // end doVenicePost
} // end class CommunityOperations

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
* WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
* for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
* Copyright (C) 2001 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
package com.silverwrist.venice.servlets;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import org.apache.log4j.*;
import com.silverwrist.venice.servlets.format.RenderConfig;
import com.silverwrist.venice.servlets.format.RenderData;
public class MemberRedirect extends HttpServlet
* Static data members
private static Category logger = Category.getInstance(MemberRedirect.class);
* Overrides from class HttpServlet
public String getServletInfo()
String rc = "MemberRedirect servlet - Generates the member list for the community\n"
+ "Part of the Venice Web Communities System\n";
return rc;
} // end getServletInfo
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Hit MemberRedirect");
ServletContext ctxt = getServletContext();
RenderData rdat = RenderConfig.createRenderData(ctxt,request,response);
String url = "sigops?cmd=M&sig=" + request.getParameter("sig");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Bouncing to URL: " + url);
} // end doGet
} // end class MemberRedirect

View File

@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ public class TopicPosts implements JSPRender
private static Category logger = Category.getInstance(TopicPosts.class);
private static int SCALING_NUM = 1;
private static int SCALING_DENOM = 2;
// Attribute name for request attribute
protected static final String ATTR_NAME = "com.silverwrist.venice.content.TopicPosts";
@ -98,6 +101,9 @@ public class TopicPosts implements JSPRender
HashSet saw_users = new HashSet();
if (conf.displayPostPictures() && user.displayPostPictures())
{ // build up the mapping of UIDs to photo URLs
Dimension psz = engine.getUserPhotoSize();
photo_size = new Dimension((psz.width * SCALING_NUM) / SCALING_DENOM,
(psz.height * SCALING_NUM) / SCALING_DENOM);
photo_size = engine.getUserPhotoSize();
uid_photos = new HashMap();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
* WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
* for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
* Copyright (C) 2001 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
package com.silverwrist.venice.servlets.format;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import com.silverwrist.venice.ValidationException;
import com.silverwrist.venice.core.*;
public class ViewCommunityMembers implements JSPRender, SearchMode
* Static data members
// Attribute name for request attribute
protected static final String ATTR_NAME = "com.silverwrist.venice.content.ViewCommunityMembers";
* Attributes
private VeniceEngine engine; // engine context
private CommunityContext comm; // community context
private List display_list = null; // list of members to display
private boolean simple_list = false; // simple list?
private int field = -1; // search field
private int mode = -1; // search mode
private String term = null; // search term
private int offset = 0; // search result offset
private int find_count = -1; // search results count
* Constructor
public ViewCommunityMembers(VeniceEngine engine, CommunityContext comm)
this.engine = engine;
this.comm = comm;
} // end constructor
* Internal functions
private static int getParamInt(ServletRequest request, String name, int default_val)
String str = request.getParameter(name);
if (str==null)
return -1;
{ // parse the integer value
return Integer.parseInt(str);
} // end try
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
{ // in case of conversion error, return default
return default_val;
} // end catch
} // end getParamInt
private static boolean isImageButtonClicked(ServletRequest request, String name)
String val = request.getParameter(name + ".x");
return (val!=null);
} // end isImageButtonClicked
* External static functions
public static ViewCommunityMembers retrieve(ServletRequest request)
return (ViewCommunityMembers)(request.getAttribute(ATTR_NAME));
} // end retrieve
* Implementations from interface VeniceContent
public String getPageTitle(RenderData rdat)
return "Members of Community " + comm.getName();
} // end getPageTitle
public String getPageQID()
return null;
} // end getPageQID
* Implementations from interface JSPRender
public void store(ServletRequest request)
} // end store
public String getTargetJSPName()
return "view_member.jsp";
} // end getTargetJSPName
* External operations
public void doInitialList() throws DataException
display_list = comm.getMemberList();
simple_list = true;
term = "";
offset = 0;
find_count = display_list.size();
} // end doInitialList
public void doSearch(ServletRequest request) throws ValidationException, DataException
// Get the "simple list" parameter.
int slp = getParamInt(request,"sl",1);
simple_list = (slp==1);
if (simple_list)
{ // Retrieve the offset and find count parameters.
offset = getParamInt(request,"ofs",0);
find_count = getParamInt(request,"fcount",-1);
// Adjust the search return offset based on the command button click.
int count = getNumResultsDisplayed();
if (isImageButtonClicked(request,"search"))
throw new ValidationException("Invalid button click."); // this can't happen
else if (isImageButtonClicked(request,"previous"))
{ // adjust the offset in the reverse direction
offset -= count;
if (offset<0)
offset = 0;
} // end else if
else if (isImageButtonClicked(request,"next"))
offset += count; // go forwards instead
throw new ValidationException("Unable to determine what action triggered the form.");
// Get the member list and offset it if necessary.
List tmp = comm.getMemberList();
if (find_count<0)
find_count = tmp.size();
if (offset>0)
display_list = tmp.subList(offset,tmp.size());
display_list = tmp;
term = ""; // null out the search term
} // end if
{ // Validate the search field parameter.
field = getParamInt(request,"field",FIELD_USER_NAME);
throw new ValidationException("The field search parameter is not valid.");
// Validate the search mode parameter.
mode = getParamInt(request,"mode",SEARCH_PREFIX);
if ((mode!=SEARCH_PREFIX) && (mode!=SEARCH_SUBSTRING) && (mode!=SEARCH_REGEXP))
throw new ValidationException("The search mode parameter is not valid.");
// Retrieve the search term parameter.
term = request.getParameter("term");
if (term==null)
term = "";
// Retrieve the offset and find count parameters.
offset = getParamInt(request,"ofs",0);
find_count = getParamInt(request,"fcount",-1);
// Adjust the search return offset based on the command button click.
int count = getNumResultsDisplayed();
if (isImageButtonClicked(request,"search"))
offset = 0;
else if (isImageButtonClicked(request,"previous"))
{ // adjust the offset in the reverse direction
offset -= count;
if (offset<0)
offset = 0;
} // end else if
else if (isImageButtonClicked(request,"next"))
offset += count; // go forwards instead
throw new ValidationException("Unable to determine what action triggered the form.");
// Perform the search!
display_list = comm.searchForMembers(field,mode,term,offset,count);
if (find_count<0)
find_count = comm.getSearchMemberCount(field,mode,term);
} // end else
} // end doSearch
public int getNumResultsDisplayed()
return engine.getStdNumSearchResults();
} // end getNumResultsDisplayed
public String getCommunityName()
return comm.getName();
} // end getCommunityName
public int getCommunityID()
return comm.getCommunityID();
} // end getCommunityID
public boolean getSimpleList()
return simple_list;
} // end getSimpleList
public int getSimpleListParam()
return (simple_list ? 1 : 0);
} // end getSimpleListParam
public int getSearchField()
return field;
} // end getSearchField
public int getSearchMode()
return mode;
} // end getSearchMode
public boolean searchFieldIs(int value)
return (field==value);
} // end searchFieldIs
public boolean searchModeIs(int value)
return (mode==value);
} // end searchModeIs
public String getSearchTerm()
return term;
} // end getSearchTerm
public int getFindCount()
return find_count;
} // end getFindCount
public int getOffset()
return offset;
} // end getOffset
public int getSize()
return display_list.size();
} // end getSize
public boolean displayList()
if ((display_list==null) || (display_list.size()==0))
return false;
return true;
} // end displayList
public UserFound getItem(int ndx)
return (UserFound)(display_list.get(ndx));
} // end getItem
} // end class ViewCommunityMembers

web/format/view_member.jsp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
language governing rights and limitations under the License.
The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
Copyright (C) 2001 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved.
<%@ page import = "java.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.util.StringUtil" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.venice.core.*" %>
<%@ page import = "" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.venice.servlets.Variables" %>
<%@ page import = "com.silverwrist.venice.servlets.format.*" %>
ViewCommunityMembers data = ViewCommunityMembers.retrieve(request);
RenderData rdat = RenderConfig.createRenderData(application,request,response);
<% rdat.writeContentHeader(out,"Members of Community:",data.getCommunityName()); %>
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,3) %><B>Find members of community
"<%= data.getCommunityName() %>":</B></FONT><P>
<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath("sigops") %>"><DIV CLASS="content">
<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="sig" VALUE="<%= data.getCommunityID() %>">
<%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %>
Display all community members whose&nbsp;&nbsp;
<SELECT NAME="field" SIZE=1>
<% if (data.searchFieldIs(SearchMode.FIELD_USER_NAME)) { %>SELECTED<% } %> >user name</OPTION>
<% if (data.searchFieldIs(SearchMode.FIELD_USER_DESCRIPTION)) { %>SELECTED<% } %> >description</OPTION>
<% if (data.searchFieldIs(SearchMode.FIELD_USER_GIVEN_NAME)) { %>SELECTED<% } %> >first name</OPTION>
<% if (data.searchFieldIs(SearchMode.FIELD_USER_FAMILY_NAME)) { %>SELECTED<% } %> >last name</OPTION>
<% if (data.searchModeIs(SearchMode.SEARCH_PREFIX)) { %>SELECTED<% } %> >starts with the string</OPTION>
<% if (data.searchModeIs(SearchMode.SEARCH_SUBSTRING)) { %>SELECTED<% } %> >contains the string</OPTION>
<% if (data.searchModeIs(SearchMode.SEARCH_REGEXP)) { %>SELECTED<% } %> >matches the regular
VALUE="<%= data.getSearchTerm() %>"></SPAN><BR>
<INPUT TYPE=IMAGE NAME="search" SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_search.gif") %>"
<% if (data.displayList()) { %>
int dcount = data.getSize();
// Determine the number of results to display and whether to display a "next" button
boolean go_next = false;
if (dcount>data.getNumResultsDisplayed())
{ // there's a "next"
dcount = data.getNumResultsDisplayed();
go_next = true;
} // end if
<TD WIDTH="50%" ALIGN=LEFT CLASS="content"><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %>
<%-- The community members/search results header --%>
<FONT SIZE=+1><B><% if (data.getSimpleList()) { %>Community Members:<% } else { %>Search Results:<% } %></B></FONT>
(Displaying <%= data.getOffset() + 1 %>-<%= data.getOffset() + dcount %> of
<%= data.getFindCount() %>)
<TD WIDTH="50%" ALIGN=RIGHT CLASS="content">
<% if (go_next || (data.getOffset()>0)) { %>
<%-- The navigational form that allows us to page through the results --%>
<% if (rdat.useHTMLComments()) { %><!-- Navigational Form --><% } %>
<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath("sigops") %>"><DIV CLASS="content">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="sig" VALUE="<%= data.getCommunityID() %>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="sl" VALUE="<%= data.getSimpleListParam() %>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="ofs" VALUE="<%= data.getOffset() %>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="field" VALUE="<%= data.getSearchField() %>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="mode" VALUE="<%= data.getSearchMode() %>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="term" VALUE="<%= data.getSearchTerm() %>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="fcount" VALUE="<%= data.getFindCount() %>">
<% if (data.getOffset()>0) { %>
<INPUT TYPE=IMAGE NAME="previous" SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_ar_previous.gif") %>"
ALT="Previous" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0>
<% } else { %>
<IMG SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_transparent.gif") %>" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0>
<% } // end if %>
<% if (go_next) { %>
<INPUT TYPE=IMAGE NAME="next" SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_ar_next.gif") %>"
<% } else { %>
<IMG SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("bn_transparent.gif") %>" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=24 BORDER=0>
<% } // end if %>
<% } else { %>&nbsp;<% } %>
<%-- Display the results of the search --%>
<% for (int i=0; i<dcount; i++) { %>
<IMG SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("purple-ball.gif") %>" ALT="*" WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=14 BORDER=0>
<TD ALIGN=LEFT CLASS="content"><%= rdat.getStdFontTag(ColorSelectors.CONTENT_FOREGROUND,2) %>
<% UserFound uf = data.getItem(i); %>
<A HREF="<%= rdat.getEncodedServletPath("user/" + uf.getName()) %>"><%= uf.getName() %></A><BR>
<%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getGivenName()) %> <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getFamilyName()) %>,
from <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getLocality()) %>, <%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getRegion()) %>
<%= uf.getCountry() %>
<% if (Capability.isCommunityAdmin(uf.getLevel())) { %>
<IMG SRC="<%= rdat.getFullImagePath("tag_host.gif") %>" ALT="Host!" HSPACE=2 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0
<% } // end if %>
<% if (uf.getDescription()!=null) { %><BR><EM><%= StringUtil.encodeHTML(uf.getDescription()) %></EM><% } %>
<% } // end for %>
<% } // end if %>