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// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
// WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
// language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
// for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
// Copyright (C) 2001 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s):
// Function which sets the correct community access level onto each entry of the input list.
function augmentList(comm,list)
var rl = new ArrayList(list.size());
var it = list.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
{ // get the community level and add it to the UserFound object
var uf = vlib.castUserFound(;
var level = comm.getMemberLevel(uf.UID);
} // end while
return rl;
} // end augmentList
// get the request object and the community
rinput = bsf.lookupBean("request");
comm = rinput.getCommunity(true,"top.js.vs");
if (!(comm.canModifyProfile()))
{ // no access - sorry, dude
logger.error("tried to call up membership screen without access...naughty naughty!");
vlib.output(new ErrorBox("Unauthorized","You do not have access to modify this community's membership.",
"comm/admin_menu.js.vs?cc=" + comm.communityID));
} // end if
// create the view object
view = new SetMemberView(rinput.engine.getStdNumSearchResults(),comm);
rc = null;
if ("GET"==rinput.verb)
{ // set up the initial state of the view
{ // get the community membership list
mbr_list = comm.getMemberList();
view.simple = true;
view.results = mbr_list;
view.findCount = mbr_list.size();
rc = view;
} // end try
catch (e)
{ // we can get at least one exception here
etype = vlib.exceptionType(e) + "";
if (etype.match("DataException"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error retrieving membership list: " + e.message,
"comm/admin_menu.js.vs?cc=" + comm.communityID);
rc = e;
} // end catch
} // end if
if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("update"))
{ // do an update of privileges in this community
list_uids = vlib.splitList(rinput.getParameter("listuids"),":");
{ // loop through the defined UIDs and check the level...
it = list_uids.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
{ // get the current and new levels, compare them, and reset if needed
x =;
cur_level = rinput.getParameterInt("zxcur_" + x,-1);
new_level = rinput.getParameterInt("zxnew_" + x,-1);
if (cur_level!=new_level)
} // end while
} // end try
catch (e)
{ // the update might throw an error message
etype = vlib.exceptionType(e) + "";
if (etype.match("DataException"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error adjusting permissions: " + e.message,
"comm/set_member.js.vs?cc=" + comm.communityID);
else if (etype.match("AccessError"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Access Error",e.message,"comm/set_member.js.vs?cc=" + comm.communityID);
rc = e;
vlib.output(rc); // bail out now with the error message
} // end catch
} // end if
// Carry on with the search operation now.
{ // handle the actual search
if ("1"==rinput.getParameter("sl"))
{ // Set up some of the easy initial parameters.
view.simple = true;
// Retrieve the offset and find count.
view.offset = rinput.getParameterInt("ofs",0);
// view.findCount = rinput.getParameterInt("fcount",-1); (N.B.: will get reassigned below)
// Adjust the offset based on the button clicked.
if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("search"))
throw new ValidationException("Invalid button clicked."); // can't happen
else if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("previous"))
view.offset = Math.max(view.offset-view.maxResults,0);
else if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("next"))
view.offset += view.maxResults;
else if (!(rinput.isImageButtonClicked("update")))
throw new ValidationException("Unable to determine what action triggered the form.");
// Get the list and subset it if necessary.
// N.B.: Since the update function can reduce the size of the member list, we need to take into account
// that the find count will need updating and the offset may be in the wrong place for the list now.
mbr_list = comm.getMemberList();
view.findCount = mbr_list.size();
while ((view.offset>0) && (view.offset>=view.findCount))
view.offset = Math.max(view.offset-view.maxResults,0);
if (view.offset==0)
view.results = mbr_list;
view.results = mbr_list.subList(offset,mbr_list.size());
} // end if
{ // This is a search operation...
view.simple = false;
// Get the search field parameter.
x = rinput.getParameterInt("field",SearchMode.FIELD_USER_NAME);
if ( (x!=SearchMode.FIELD_USER_NAME) && (x!=SearchMode.FIELD_USER_DESCRIPTION)
&& (x!=SearchMode.FIELD_USER_GIVEN_NAME) && (x!=SearchMode.FIELD_USER_FAMILY_NAME))
throw new ValidationException("The search field parameter is not valid.");
view.field = x;
// Get the search mode parameter.
x = rinput.getParameterInt("mode",SearchMode.SEARCH_PREFIX);
if ( (x!=SearchMode.SEARCH_PREFIX) && (x!=SearchMode.SEARCH_SUBSTRING)
&& (x!=SearchMode.SEARCH_REGEXP))
throw new ValidationException("The search mode parameter is not valid.");
view.mode = x;
// Get the search term parameter.
view.term = rinput.getParameter("term");
if (view.term==null)
view.term = "";
// Retrieve the offset and find count.
view.offset = rinput.getParameterInt("ofs",0);
view.findCount = rinput.getParameterInt("fcount",-1);
// Adjust the offset based on the button clicked.
if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("search"))
view.offset = 0; // begin a new search
else if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("previous"))
view.offset = Math.max(view.offset-view.maxResults,0);
else if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("next"))
view.offset += view.maxResults;
else if (!(rinput.isImageButtonClicked("update")))
throw new ValidationException("Unable to determine what action triggered the form.");
// Perform the search! (Note that we search on USERS, not MEMBERS, as this is the way that we
// add additional members to a community.)
tmp_results = rinput.engine.searchForUsers(view.field,view.mode,view.term,view.offset,view.maxResults);
view.results = augmentList(comm,tmp_results);
if (view.findCount<0)
view.findCount = rinput.engine.getSearchUserCount(view.field,view.mode,view.term);
} // end else (search operation)
rc = view;
} // end try
catch (e)
{ // handle an error in search
etype = vlib.exceptionType(e) + "";
if (etype.match("ValidationException"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Find Error",e.message + " Please try again.",
"comm/set_member.js.vs?cc=" + comm.communityID);
else if (etype.match("DataException"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error getting member list: " + e.message,
"comm/set_member.js.vs?cc=" + comm.communityID);
else if (etype.match("AccessError"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Access Error",e.message,"comm/set_member.js.vs?cc=" + comm.communityID);
rc = e;
} // end catch
vlib.output(rc); // all done!