
231 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
// WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
// language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
// for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
// Copyright (C) 2001-02 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s):
rinput = bsf.lookupBean("request");
// Determine which Find display needs to be brought up.
disp = 0;
if (rinput.hasParameter("disp"))
{ // get the display parameter from the input
disp = rinput.getParameterInt("disp",-1);
if ( (disp!=FindView.FD_COMMUNITIES) && (disp!=FindView.FD_USERS) && (disp!=FindView.FD_CATEGORIES)
&& (disp!=FindView.FD_POSTS))
{ // the display parameter is not correct
vlib.output(new ErrorBox(null,"Invalid display parameter.","top.js.vs"));
} // end if
if ((disp==FindView.FD_CATEGORIES) && !(rinput.engine.useCategories()))
{ // the display parameter is not correct
vlib.output(new ErrorBox(null,"Invalid display parameter.","top.js.vs"));
} // end if
// save off the session attribute
rinput.setSessionAttribute(FindView.DISPLAY_PARAM_ATTRIBUTE,new java.lang.Integer(disp));
} // end if
{ // get the display parameter from the session attributes
tmp_disp = rinput.getSessionAttribute(FindView.DISPLAY_PARAM_ATTRIBUTE);
if (tmp_disp==null)
{ // make a new entry and set it
tmp_disp = new java.lang.Integer(FindView.FD_COMMUNITIES);
} // end if
disp = tmp_disp.intValue();
} // end else
max_results = rinput.engine.getStdNumSearchResults();
view = new FindView(disp,max_results); // create the view object
rc = null;
if ("GET"==rinput.verb)
{ // set up the category parameter
catid = -1;
if (disp==FindView.FD_COMMUNITIES)
catid = rinput.getParameterInt("cat",-1);
{ // prep the view fields
if (disp==FindView.FD_COMMUNITIES)
{ // set the category (which also sets up the subcategory list and contained communities)
2002-01-16 23:55:19 -07:00
if (rinput.engine.useCategories())
{ // only do this if we're using categories
view.category = rinput.user.getCategoryDescriptor(catid);
if (view.category.categoryID>=0)
{ // fill in the communities that are in this category
view.results = rinput.user.getCommunitiesInCategory(view.category,view.offset,max_results);
view.findCount = rinput.user.getNumCommunitiesInCategory(view.category);
} // end if
} // end if
view.field = SearchMode.FIELD_COMMUNITY_NAME;
} // end if
else if (disp==FindView.FD_USERS)
view.field = SearchMode.FIELD_USER_NAME;
view.mode = SearchMode.SEARCH_PREFIX;
view.term = "";
rc = view;
} // end try
catch (e)
{ // exception in initializing the view...
etype = vlib.exceptionType(e) + "";
if (etype.match("DataException"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error accessing category data: " + e.message,"top.js.vs");
rc = e;
} // end catch
} // end if ("GET" operation)
// Set up the form for a POST.
{ // load some of the parameters
catid = -1;
if (disp==FindView.FD_COMMUNITIES)
{ // load the category ID and field parameters
if (rinput.engine.useCategories())
{ // don't try to get the category unless we support such a thing
catid = rinput.getParameterInt("cat",-1);
if (!(rinput.engine.isValidCategoryID(catid)))
throw new ValidationException("The category ID parameter is not valid.");
} // end if
x = rinput.getParameterInt("field",SearchMode.FIELD_COMMUNITY_NAME);
throw new ValidationException("The search field parameter is not valid.");
view.field = x;
} // end if
else if (disp==FindView.FD_USERS)
{ // load the field parameter
x = rinput.getParameterInt("field",SearchMode.FIELD_USER_NAME);
if ( (x!=SearchMode.FIELD_USER_NAME) && (x!=SearchMode.FIELD_USER_DESCRIPTION)
&& (x!=SearchMode.FIELD_USER_GIVEN_NAME) && (x!=SearchMode.FIELD_USER_FAMILY_NAME))
throw new ValidationException("The search field parameter is not valid.");
view.field = x;
} // end else if
if (disp!=FindView.FD_POSTS)
{ // load the search mode parameter
x = rinput.getParameterInt("mode",SearchMode.SEARCH_PREFIX);
if ((x!=SearchMode.SEARCH_PREFIX) && (x!=SearchMode.SEARCH_SUBSTRING) && (x!=SearchMode.SEARCH_REGEXP))
throw new ValidationException("The search mode parameter is not valid.");
view.mode = x;
} // end if
// load the search term, offset and find count
view.term = rinput.getParameter("term");
view.offset = rinput.getParameterInt("ofs",0);
view.findCount = rinput.getParameterInt("fcount",-1);
// adjust the offset based on the command button click
if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("search"))
view.offset = 0;
else if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("previous"))
view.offset = Math.max(view_offset - max_results,0);
else if (rinput.isImageButtonClicked("next"))
view.offset = view.offset + max_results;
throw new ValidationException("Unable to determine what action triggered the form.");
// run the actual search!
if (disp==FindView.FD_COMMUNITIES)
{ // need to work it differently if there's a category ID
if (rinput.engine.useCategories() && (catid>=0))
{ // set up the category
view.category = rinput.user.getCategoryDescriptor(catid);
if (view.category.categoryID>=0)
{ // fill in the communities that are in this category
view.results = rinput.user.getCommunitiesInCategory(view.category,view.offset,max_results);
view.findCount = rinput.user.getNumCommunitiesInCategory(view.category);
} // end if
} // end if
{ // set the results as the community search data
view.results = rinput.user.searchForCommunities(view.field,view.mode,view.term,view.offset,max_results);
if (view.findCount<0)
view.findCount = rinput.user.getSearchCommunityCount(view.field,view.mode,view.term);
} // end else
} // end if
else if (disp==FindView.FD_USERS)
{ // search for users
view.results = rinput.engine.searchForUsers(view.field,view.mode,view.term,view.offset,max_results);
if (view.findCount<0)
view.findCount = rinput.engine.getSearchUserCount(view.field,view.mode,view.term);
} // end else if
else if (disp==FindView.FD_CATEGORIES)
{ // search for categories
view.results = rinput.user.searchForCategories(view.mode,view.term,view.offset,max_results);
if (view.findCount<0)
view.findCount = rinput.user.getSearchCategoryCount(view.mode,view.term);
} // end else if
else if (disp==FindView.FD_POSTS)
{ // search for posts
view.results = rinput.user.searchPosts(view.term,view.offset,max_results);
if (view.findCount<0)
view.findCount = rinput.user.getSearchPostCount(view.term);
} // end else if
rinput.location = "find.js.vs?disp=" + disp; // reset location for the POST
rc = view;
} // end try
catch (e)
{ // exception thrown somewhere in the POST operation
etype = vlib.exceptionType(e) + "";
if (etype.match("ValidationException"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Find Error",e.message,"top.js.vs");
else if (etype.match("DataException"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error on find: " + e.message,"top.js.vs");
rc = e;
} // end catch
vlib.output(rc); // all done!