
144 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
// WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
// language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
// for Silverwrist Design Studios. Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
// Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios. All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s):
// get the request object and the community
rinput = bsf.lookupBean("request");
comm = rinput.getCommunity(true,"top.js.vs");
// get the current conference
currc = new CurrentConference(rinput);
conf = currc.getConference(true,"conf/conferences.js.vs?cc=" + comm.communityID);
// get the current topic
on_error = "conf/topics.js.vs?cc=" + comm.communityID + "&conf=" + conf.confID;
topic = currc.getTopic(true,on_error);
// if we need to restore posts in another topic, do so
read_new = true;
if (rinput.hasParameter("rtop") && rinput.hasParameter("rct"))
{ // retrieve the "other topic"
other_topic = currc.getOptionalTopic("rtop");
if (other_topic!=null)
{ // get the number of unread messages
nunread = rinput.getParameterInt("rct",0);
if ((nunread>0) && (nunread<=other_topic.totalMessages))
{ // set the unread message count
{ // reset the unread messages
other_topic.unreadMessages = nunread;
} // end try
catch (e)
{ // it didn't work - ignore the error
logger.warn("exception setting unread messages: " + e);
} // end catch
if (topic.topicID==other_topic.topicID)
read_new = false; // don't do a read new if we just restored this topic
} // end if
else // ignore this
logger.warn("number of unread messages out of range");
} // end if
} // end if
// get the post interval
piv = currc.getPostInterval(on_error);
// get the "read new" parameter
if (read_new)
read_new = rinput.hasParameter("rnm");
rc = null;
{ // create the view
rc = new PostsView(comm,currc);
logger.debug(rc.unread + " unread messages");
// fill in parameters
rc.first = piv.first;
rc.last = piv.last;
rc.showAdvanced = rinput.hasParameter("shac");
rc.noBozos = rinput.hasParameter("nbz");
rc.messages = topic.getMessages(piv.first,piv.last);
rc.topCustom = conf.getCustomBlock(ConferenceContext.CUST_BLOCK_TOP);
rc.bottomCustom = conf.getCustomBlock(ConferenceContext.CUST_BLOCK_BOTTOM);
rc.title =;
html = vlib.queryHTMLRendering(rinput);
rc.subtitle = topic.totalMessages + " Total; " + rc.unread + " New; Last: "
+ html.formatDate(topic.lastUpdateDate);
// do a "read new" on this topic
if (read_new)
topic.unreadMessages = 0;
// visit the topic
visit_order = currc.getTopicVisitOrder();
if (visit_order!=null)
rc.topicVisitOrder = visit_order;
// get the aliases list and synthesize the topic stem and QID
aliases = conf.aliases;
tmp = aliases.get(0).toString() + "." + topic.topicNumber;
rc.topicStem = tmp + ".";
rc.pageQID = "go/" + comm.alias + "!" + tmp;
if (conf.displayPostPictures() && rinput.user.displayPostPictures())
{ // set up the user photo dimensions
old_psz = rinput.engine.getUserPhotoSize();
rc.photoDims = new Dimension((old_psz.width * SCALING_NUM) / SCALING_DENOM,
(old_psz.height * SCALING_NUM) / SCALING_DENOM);
} // end if
rc.buildInternals(rinput.user); // build the bozo filter and user photo lists in compiled code
} // end try
catch (e)
{ // handle an exception here
etype = vlib.exceptionType(e) + "";
if (etype.match("DataException"))
rc = new ErrorBox("Database Error","Database error listing messages: " + e.message,on_error);
else if (etype.match("AccessError"))
{ // unable to get message list - maybe we weren't logged in
if (rinput.user.isLoggedIn())
rc = new ErrorBox("Access Error",e.message,on_error);
rc = new LogInOrCreate();
} // end else if
rc = e;
} // end catch
vlib.output(rc); // all done!