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#include "wintype.h"
typedef void (*PEXITFUNC)(void);
/* global configuration data for UPIWIN */
typedef struct tagGLOBAL_CONFIG {
PCSTR framebuffer_device; /* name of frame buffer device */
PCSTR touchscreen_device; /* name of touchscreen device */
PCSTR python_loc; /* location of the Python3 executable */
UINT32 button_debounce; /* minimum time between button up and next button down (ms) */
UINT32 sys_mq_length; /* length of system message queue */
UINT32 click_time; /* time between button/touch DOWN and UP to be considered a "click" (ms) */
UINT32 click_radius; /* maximum number of pixels a touch can "drift" to be considered a "click" */
PCSTR script_name; /* script name to be run */
INT32 script_arg_count; /* number of arguments to pass to the script */
PPCSTR script_args; /* arguments to pass to the script */
extern GLOBAL_CONFIG Gconfig; /* one global configuration to rule them all */
extern HRESULT Config_setup(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern HRESULT Config_exitfunc(PEXITFUNC pfn);
#endif /* __CONFIG_H_INCLUDED */