
257 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File

# Demo script that implements a simple drawing program
import upiwin
# Save off some color values.
BLACK = upiwin.rgb(0, 0, 0)
WHITE = upiwin.rgb(255, 255, 255)
LTGRAY = upiwin.rgb(204, 204, 204)
RED = upiwin.rgb(255, 0, 0)
GREEN = upiwin.rgb(0, 255, 0)
BLUE = upiwin.rgb(0, 0, 255)
CYAN = upiwin.rgb(0, 255, 255)
MAGENTA = upiwin.rgb(255, 0, 255)
YELLOW = upiwin.rgb(255, 255, 0)
# Get the stock bitmaps.
bmp_freehand = upiwin.Bitmap(stock='freehand')
bmp_line = upiwin.Bitmap(stock='line')
bmp_rect = upiwin.Bitmap(stock='rect')
bmp_fillrect = upiwin.Bitmap(stock='fillrect')
hdc = upiwin.DevCtxt(type='screen')
hdc_bits = upiwin.DevCtxt(type='memory')
# divide the screen into "drawing" and "command" areas
screen_rect = hdc.get_clip_rect()
drawing_rect = (screen_rect[0], screen_rect[1], screen_rect[2] - 60, screen_rect[3])
command_rect = (drawing_rect[2], screen_rect[1], screen_rect[2], screen_rect[3])
# further divide up the "command" area
cmd1_rect = (command_rect[0], command_rect[1], command_rect[2], 60)
cmd2_rect = (command_rect[0], 60, command_rect[2], 120)
cmd3_rect = (command_rect[0], 120, command_rect[2], 180)
cmd4_rect = (command_rect[0], 180, command_rect[2], command_rect[3])
def point_in_rect(rect, x, y):
return (x >= rect[0]) and (x < rect[2]) and (y >= rect[1]) and (y < rect[3])
# --- Backlight control ---
backlight_level_list = [1023, 768, 512, 256]
current_backlight = 0
def do_backlight():
def select_next_backlight():
global current_backlight
current_backlight += 1
if current_backlight == len(backlight_level_list):
current_backlight = 0
# --- Color selections ---
current_color = 0
def draw_current_color():
hdc.text_color = color_list[current_color]
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_COPYPEN
hdc.solid_rectangle(cmd2_rect[0] + 6, cmd2_rect[1] + 6, cmd2_rect[0] + 54, cmd2_rect[1] + 54)
def select_next_color():
global current_color
current_color += 1
if current_color == len(color_list):
current_color = 0
# --- Object drawing ---
def draw_freehand(color, data):
hdc.text_color = color
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_COPYPEN
hdc.move_to(data[0][0], data[0][1])
for pt in data[1:len(data) - 1]:
hdc.line_to(pt[0], pt[1])
def draw_line(color, data):
hdc.text_color = color
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_COPYPEN
hdc.move_to(data[0][0], data[0][1])
hdc.line_to(data[1][0], data[1][1])
def draw_rectangle(color, data):
hdc.text_color = color
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_COPYPEN
hdc.rectangle(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3])
def draw_filled_rectangle(color, data):
hdc.text_color = color
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_COPYPEN
hdc.solid_rectangle(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3])
def draw_object(obj):
obj['draw'](obj['color'], obj['data'])
# --- Master object list ---
objects_drawn = []
def repaint():
global drawing_rect, objects_drawn
hdc.text_color = BLACK
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_COPYPEN
hdc.solid_rectangle(drawing_rect[0], drawing_rect[1], drawing_rect[2], drawing_rect[3])
for obj in objects_drawn:
# --- Graphic feedback --
origin_x = 0
origin_y = 0
current_x = 0
current_y = 0
freehand_points = []
def freehand_draw(x, y, down, up):
global current_x, current_y, freehand_points
if down:
freehand_points = []
hdc.text_color = color_list[current_color]
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_COPYPEN
hdc.move_to(current_x, current_y)
hdc.line_to(x, y)
current_x = x
current_y = y
freehand_points += [(x, y)]
def rubberband_rectangle(x, y, down, up):
global current_x, current_y
hdc.text_color = LTGRAY
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_XORPEN
if not down:
hdc.rectangle(min(origin_x, current_x), min(origin_y, current_y), max(origin_x, current_x), max(origin_y, current_y))
current_x = x
current_y = y
if not up:
hdc.rectangle(min(origin_x, current_x), min(origin_y, current_y), max(origin_x, current_x), max(origin_y, current_y))
def rubberband_line(x, y, down, up):
global current_x, current_y
hdc.text_color = LTGRAY
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_XORPEN
if not down:
hdc.move_to(origin_x, origin_y)
hdc.line_to(current_x, current_y)
current_x = x
current_y = y
if not up:
hdc.move_to(origin_x, origin_y)
hdc.line_to(current_x, current_y)
# --- Tool definitions ---
def save_freehand():
return { 'draw': draw_freehand, 'color': color_list[current_color], 'data': freehand_points }
def save_line():
return { 'draw': draw_line, 'color': color_list[current_color], 'data': [(origin_x, origin_y), (current_x, current_y)] }
def save_rectangle():
return { 'draw': draw_rectangle, 'color': color_list[current_color],
'data': (min(origin_x, current_x), min(origin_y, current_y), max(origin_x, current_x), max(origin_y, current_y)) }
def save_filled_rectangle():
return { 'draw': draw_filled_rectangle, 'color': color_list[current_color],
'data': (min(origin_x, current_x), min(origin_y, current_y), max(origin_x, current_x), max(origin_y, current_y)) }
tool_list = [
{ 'icon': bmp_freehand, 'feedback': freehand_draw, 'save': save_freehand, 'dodraw': False },
{ 'icon': bmp_line, 'feedback': rubberband_line, 'save': save_line, 'dodraw': True },
{ 'icon': bmp_rect, 'feedback': rubberband_rectangle, 'save': save_rectangle, 'dodraw': True },
{ 'icon': bmp_fillrect, 'feedback': rubberband_rectangle, 'save': save_filled_rectangle, 'dodraw': True }
current_tool = 0
def draw_current_tool():
hdc.bitblt(cmd1_rect[0] + 6, cmd1_rect[1] + 6, cmd1_rect[0] + 54, cmd1_rect[1] + 54, hdc_bits, 0, 0, 0)
def select_next_tool():
global current_tool
current_tool += 1
if current_tool == len(tool_list):
current_tool = 0
# --- Message handlers ---
def on_touchdown(x, y):
global origin_x, origin_y
if point_in_rect(drawing_rect, x, y):
origin_x = x
origin_y = y
tool_list[current_tool]['feedback'](x, y, True, False)
def on_touchmove(x, y):
if point_in_rect(drawing_rect, x, y):
tool_list[current_tool]['feedback'](x, y, False, False)
def on_touchup(x, y):
global objects_drawn
if point_in_rect(drawing_rect, x, y):
tool_list[current_tool]['feedback'](x, y, False, True)
object = tool_list[current_tool]['save']()
if tool_list[current_tool]['dodraw']:
objects_drawn += [object]
def on_touchclick(x, y):
if point_in_rect(cmd1_rect, x, y):
elif point_in_rect(cmd2_rect, x, y):
elif point_in_rect(cmd3_rect, x, y):
print("Click command 3")
elif point_in_rect(cmd4_rect, x, y):
print("Click command 4")
def on_button_click(button):
if button == 1: # Button 1 = Set backlight level
if button == 4: # Button 4 = Exit app
# --- Initialize and start message loop ---
# Draw the basic layout.
hdc.text_color = LTGRAY
hdc.rop2 = upiwin.R2_COPYPEN
hdc.rectangle(cmd1_rect[0], cmd1_rect[1], cmd1_rect[2], cmd1_rect[3])
hdc.rectangle(cmd2_rect[0], cmd2_rect[1], cmd2_rect[2], cmd2_rect[3])
hdc.rectangle(cmd3_rect[0], cmd3_rect[1], cmd3_rect[2], cmd3_rect[3])
hdc.rectangle(cmd4_rect[0], cmd4_rect[1], cmd4_rect[2], cmd4_rect[3])
# Main message loop
msg = {}
while upiwin.get_message(msg):
if msg['message'] == upiwin.WM_TOUCHDOWN:
on_touchdown(msg['attrs'][0], msg['attrs'][1])
if msg['message'] == upiwin.WM_TOUCHMOVE:
on_touchmove(msg['attrs'][0], msg['attrs'][1])
if msg['message'] == upiwin.WM_TOUCHUP:
on_touchup(msg['attrs'][0], msg['attrs'][1])
if msg['message'] == upiwin.WM_TOUCHCLICK:
on_touchclick(msg['attrs'][0], msg['attrs'][1])
elif msg['message'] == upiwin.WM_HWBUTTONCLICK: