#ifndef __DEVCTXT_H_INCLUDED #define __DEVCTXT_H_INCLUDED #include "wintype.h" #include "gfxtype.h" #include "gfxobj.h" #define DCTXT_SIG_WORD 0x78744344 /* "DCtx */ /* Raster operation codes */ #define R2_BLACK 1 #define R2_NOTMERGEPEN 2 #define R2_MASKNOTPEN 3 #define R2_NOTCOPYPEN 4 #define R2_MASKPENNOT 5 #define R2_NOT 6 #define R2_XORPEN 7 #define R2_NOTMASKPEN 8 #define R2_MASKPEN 9 #define R2_NOTXORPEN 10 #define R2_NOP 11 #define R2_MERGENOTPEN 12 #define R2_COPYPEN 13 #define R2_MERGEPENNOT 14 #define R2_MERGEPEN 15 #define R2_WHITE 16 typedef COLORREF (*DCtx_SetPixel)(PVOID privdata, INT32 x, INT32 y, COLORREF color, INT32 op); typedef BOOL (*DCtx_Line)(PVOID privdata, INT32 x1, INT32 y1, INT32 x2, INT32 y2, COLORREF color, INT32 op); typedef BOOL (*DCtx_SolidRect)(PVOID privdata, PRECT rect, COLORREF color, INT32 op); typedef PDCTXT (*DCtx_CreateCompat)(PVOID privdata); typedef BOOL (*DCtx_NewBitmap)(PVOID privdata, PBITMAP pbmp); typedef BOOL (*DCtx_BitBlt)(PVOID p_dest, PRECT r_dest, PVOID p_src, PRECT r_src, UINT32 op); typedef struct tagDCFUNTABLE { DCtx_SetPixel set_pixel; /* sets a single pixel on the display */ DCtx_Line line; /* draws a line on the display */ DCtx_SolidRect solid_rect; /* draws a solid rectangle on the display */ DCtx_CreateCompat create_compat; /* create a memory DC compatible with this one */ DCtx_NewBitmap new_bitmap; /* new bitmap selected notification */ DCtx_BitBlt bitblt; /* bit block transfer */ } DCFUNTABLE; typedef const DCFUNTABLE *PDCFUNTABLE; typedef struct tagDCTXT { GFXOBJECT hdr; /* the header of all objects */ PDCFUNTABLE funcs; /* device context functions */ PVOID privdata; /* private data for the type of DC */ UINT32 flags; /* flags for the DC */ RECT baserect; /* base rectangle */ RECT cliprect; /* clipping rectangle */ POINT pos; /* current position */ UINT32 rop2; /* current raster operation */ COLORREF color; /* current drawing color (XXX replace with pens later) */ PBITMAP cur_bitmap; /* current selected bitmap */ } DCTXT, *PDCTXT; #define DCFLG_TYPES 0x03 #define DCFLG_IS_SCREEN 0x00 #define DCFLG_IS_MEMORY 0x01 extern PDCTXT _DC_Allocate(PDCFUNTABLE funcs, PVOID privdata); extern void _DC_FinalizeCommon(PDCTXT pdctxt); extern COLORREF DC_SetPixel(PDCTXT pdctxt, INT32 x, INT32 y, COLORREF color); extern BOOL DC_LineTo(PDCTXT pdctxt, INT32 x, INT32 y); extern BOOL DC_MoveTo(PDCTXT pdctxt, INT32 x, INT32 y, PPOINT oldpt); extern BOOL DC_Rectangle(PDCTXT pdctxt, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right, INT32 bottom); extern BOOL DC_SolidRectangle(PDCTXT pdctxt, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right, INT32 bottom); extern UINT32 DC_GetROP2(PDCTXT pdctxt); extern UINT32 DC_SetROP2(PDCTXT pdctxt, UINT32 rop); extern COLORREF DC_GetTextColor(PDCTXT pdctxt); extern COLORREF DC_SetTextColor(PDCTXT pdctxt, COLORREF cr); extern BOOL DC_GetClipRect(PDCTXT pdctxt, PRECT prect); extern BOOL DC_SetClipRect(PDCTXT pdctxt, PRECT prect); extern PDCTXT DC_CreateCompatible(PDCTXT pdctxt); extern PGFXOBJECT DC_SelectObject(PDCTXT pdctxt, PGFXOBJECT pobj); extern BOOL DC_BitBlt(PDCTXT dest, INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 width, INT32 height, PDCTXT source, INT32 x1, INT32 y1, UINT32 rop); #define DC_addref(pdctxt) Go_addref(&(pdctxt->hdr)) #define DC_release(pdctxt) Go_release(&(pdctxt->hdr)) #endif /* __DEVCTXT_H_INCLUDED */