# In this file, the value of each configuration option is its default. [links] # The prefix to apply to all internally-generated URLs. Default is "/". prefix = "/" # If true, generate relative URLs for all internal URLs. Default is false. relative = false # IF true, external links (full URLs) will be opened in a new tab. extern-new-tab = false # If true, "foreign" (non-Markdown) files will be opened in a new tab. foreign-new-tab = false [classnames] # CSS class to use for an invalid reference. invalid-reference = "invalid-reference" # CSS class to use for an Obsidian link. obsidian-link = "obsidian-link" [callout-icons] # The default callout icon. _default = "pencil" # Specific callout icons for other callouts. abstract = "clipboard-list" attention = "triangle-alert" bug = "bug" caution = "triangle-alert" check = "check" cite = "quote" danger = "zap" done = "check" error = "zap" example = "list" fail = "x" failure = "x" faq = "circle-help" help = "circle-help" info = "info" missing = "x" question = "circle-help" quote = "quote" success = "check" summary = "clipboard-list" tip = "flame" tldr = "clipboard-list" todo = "circle-check" warning = "triangle-alert" [generate] # Ignore these entries when generating the site. ignore = [".git"] [templates] # The template directory name under the Obsidian vault. Default is ".dragonglass.tmpl". directory = ".dragonglass.tmpl" # The default template name. Default is "default.html". default = "default.html" # The name of the default stylesheet. stylesheet = "dragonglass.css" [metadata] # If true, use page title as default description. description-title = false # The language of the site, expressed as a RFC5646 language identifier. lang = "en" # The site base URL. If supplied, this will be added to a element in the page metadata. sitebase = "" # The site title. If supplied, this will be included in page metadata and used to formulate the default title. sitetitle = "" [extensions] # Full classnames of the extensions to be loaded. load = ["dragonglass.extensions.breadcrumbs.Breadcrumbs"] [extensions.Breadcrumbs] # Configuration data for Breadcrumbs. var = "value"