added transit time calculations to DCalc and Batch-Distance

This commit is contained in:
Amy Bowersox 2020-08-18 12:49:20 -06:00
parent 43b85d5214
commit 5b0a0768cb
2 changed files with 105 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -66,6 +66,53 @@ def classify_distance(dist):
return 'GREEN'
def transit_time_google(config, org, dest):
apikey = config['google']['apikey']
if not apikey:
raise GeocodingError("Google API key not specified")
str_origin = f"{org[0]},{org[1]}"
str_dest = f"{dest[0]},{dest[1]}"
query = {'key': apikey, 'origin': str_origin, 'destination': str_dest, 'mode': 'driving', 'region': 'us'}
url = '' + \
urllib.parse.urlencode(query, quote_via=urllib.parse.quote)
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
if response.status == 200:
apireturn = json.loads(
stat = apireturn['status']
if stat == 'OK':
best_time = None
best_summary = None
for route in apireturn['routes']:
summary = route['summary']
current_time = 0
for leg in route['legs']:
current_time += leg['duration']['value']
if best_time is None or current_time < best_time:
best_time = current_time
best_summary = summary
if best_time is None:
return None
return best_time, best_summary
elif stat == 'ZERO_RESULTS':
return None
raise GeocodingError(f"Google API returns status of {stat}")
raise GeocodingError(f"Google API returns {response.status} HTTP status code")
def stringize_seconds(total_secs):
secs = total_secs % 60
remainder = total_secs // 60
if remainder == 0:
return f"{secs}s"
mins = remainder % 60
hours = remainder // 60
if hours == 0:
return f"{mins}m{secs}s"
return f"{hours}h{mins}m{secs}s"
cmdline_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
cmdline_parser.add_argument('input', help='The input file containing locations to be checked.')
cmdline_parser.add_argument('output', nargs='?', help='The output file name that will receive the processed data.')
@ -90,6 +137,11 @@ def main(args):
if coords:
dist = distance_miles(OFFICE_LOCATION, coords)
out_row = [in_row[0], in_row[1], coords[0], coords[1], dist, classify_distance(dist)]
transit_time = transit_time_google(config, coords, OFFICE_LOCATION)
if transit_time:
out_row += [transit_time[0], stringize_seconds(transit_time[0]), transit_time[1]]
out_row += ['*** Unable to calculate transit time']
out_row = [in_row[0], in_row[1], '*** Unable to locate']

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@ -53,6 +53,53 @@ def distance_miles(point1, point2):
def transit_time_google(config, org, dest):
apikey = config['google']['apikey']
if not apikey:
raise GeocodingError("Google API key not specified")
str_origin = f"{org[0]},{org[1]}"
str_dest = f"{dest[0]},{dest[1]}"
query = {'key': apikey, 'origin': str_origin, 'destination': str_dest, 'mode': 'driving', 'region': 'us'}
url = '' + \
urllib.parse.urlencode(query, quote_via=urllib.parse.quote)
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
if response.status == 200:
apireturn = json.loads(
stat = apireturn['status']
if stat == 'OK':
best_time = None
best_summary = None
for route in apireturn['routes']:
summary = route['summary']
current_time = 0
for leg in route['legs']:
current_time += leg['duration']['value']
if best_time is None or current_time < best_time:
best_time = current_time
best_summary = summary
if best_time is None:
return None
return best_time, best_summary
elif stat == 'ZERO_RESULTS':
return None
raise GeocodingError(f"Google API returns status of {stat}")
raise GeocodingError(f"Google API returns {response.status} HTTP status code")
def stringize_seconds(total_secs):
secs = total_secs % 60
remainder = total_secs // 60
if remainder == 0:
return f"{secs}s"
mins = remainder % 60
hours = remainder // 60
if hours == 0:
return f"{mins}m{secs}s"
return f"{hours}h{mins}m{secs}s"
cmdline_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
cmdline_parser.add_argument('address', nargs='+', help='The address to be calculated')
cmdline_parser.add_argument('-C', '--config', default='geoapi.ini', help='The geocoding API configuration file')
@ -69,6 +116,12 @@ def main(args):
print(f"Coordinates: Latitude {coords[0]}, longitude {coords[1]}")
dist = distance_miles(OFFICE_LOCATION, coords)
print(f"Distance from Boulder office: {dist} miles")
transit_time = transit_time_google(config, coords, OFFICE_LOCATION)
if transit_time:
str_time = stringize_seconds(transit_time[0])
print(f"Estimated transit time: {str_time} - route: {transit_time[1]} ({transit_time[0]} seconds)")
print("Unable to calculate transit time.")
print("Location was not found.")